Wissenschaftliche(r) MitarbeiterIn/DoktorandIn im Bereich Stochastische Optimierung von Sinkflugverfahren (CDO)
Zusammen mit der Professur für Technologie und Logistik des Luftverkehrs ist baldmöglichst eine Teilzeitstelle als
wiss. Mitarbeiter/in
(bei Vorliegen der persönlichen Voraussetzungen 50% E 13 TV-L)
für drei Jahre (Beschäftigungsdauer gem. WissZeitVG) zu besetzen. Es besteht die Gelegenheit zur eigenen wiss. Weiterqualifikation (i.d.R. Promotion). Ausschreibung weiterer Stellen zu diesem Thema finden Sie hier.
Continuous Decent Operations (CDO) should allow an energy-efficient flight from leaving the cruising altitude to the final approach. According to the current state of research an implementation of the mathematically optimal CDO trajectory is hardly possible in reality. For this reason, within the framework of the three-year DFG project "Optimierte Continuous Descent Operations unter unsicheren Umwelt- und Missionsbedingungen" we aim at investigating whether an energy-optimized Second Best Solution for the single flight event can achieve a significantly improved efficiency in comparison to the global optimum over all possible approaches. For this purpose, based on the preliminary work at the IFL professorship, an Improved Descent Advisor (IDA) for air traffic controllers and pilots will be developed. This allows for stochastic modeling and optimization of all exogeneous and endogeneous random variables influencing the flight profile.
The following tasks should be addressed within the framework of the PhD project:
- simulation-based and theoretical evaluation and investigation of the variables influencing the flight profile;
- adaptation of the stochastic-robust optimization methods to the modeling of the flight profiles based on the series of input variables;
- online prediction of the flight profile via considered stochastic/statistical models;
- robustness check of the results.
What we expect from you:
- superior university degree in stochastics or statistics with relevant recess in robust nonlinear optimization;
- competence in scientific computing advanced programming knowledge (R, MatLab and/or C/C++/C#)
What we offer:
- interdisciplinary on an international level, possibility of personal development at high-quality conferences;
- contract over at least 3 years;
- work in a highly motivated team;
- work with cool data!
Are you interested? We look forward to your application!
Sent your application with typical documents (Motivation Letter, CV, Performance Record (Notenspiegel) and relevant (on your opinion) certificates) till 8.03.2018 (es gilt der Poststempel der ZPS der TU Dresden) recommendeed in the digitally signed form to: ostap.okhrin@tu-dresden.de or to: TU Dresden, Fakultät Verkehrswissenschaften „Friedrich List“, Institut für Wirtschaft und Verkehr, Professur für Statistik und Ökonometrie, Prof. Dr. Ostap Okhrin, 01062 Dresden. Your application documents will not be send back. Job interview costs will not be reimbursed.