May 27, 2019
Dr. Stephan Fuhrmann receives Dr.-Feldbausch-Prize
Dr. Stephan Fuhrmann has been awarded the Dr.-Feldbausch-Prize on May 22th, 2019 for his outstanding dissertation with the title "Benefits and drivers of voluntary disclosures of financial and non-financial aspects of value creation – Evidence from voluntary sustainability reports and integrated reports". The award ceremony took place during the faculties' celebration "Day of the Faculty".
The dissertation deals with the - scientifical as well as practical - highly topical and relevant subject area of the voluntary disclosure of non-financial aspects of value creation and their connection to the corporate financial success.
In addition to Dr. Fuhrmann, Dr. Ronny Reinhard (former at the Chair of Entrepreneurship and Innovation) has also been honored for his dissertation.
We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the winners once again!