May 08, 2018
Presentation and discussion about the GADIAM-project in the context of the outcomes of a digitalization of the working environment
The Konrad-Adenauer-foundation hosted a seminar on the topic “Der digitalisierte Mensch in der Zukunft“ in Dresden from Thursday, 19th of April to Saturday 21st of April, 2018. The opening part of the event was an interesting public panel discussion on the topic “„eHealth, eFinance, eGovernment – Mit Digitalisierung zum Gläsernen Bürger?“ in the city museum of Dresden on Thursday evening.
On Friday and Saturday, several speakers with different backgrounds were invited to present their opinion on the topic to the participants of the seminar. Mr. Tim Lukas Kirsch from the chair of Business Management, esp Management Accounting and Control was also invited to speak about the GADIAM project. Mr. Tim Lukas Kirsch gave an overview of the outcomes of the digitalization in the working environment and in this context also introduced the GADIAM project. This was followed by an interesting and inspiring discussion with the seminar participants.
We thank the participants of the seminar for their interest in the topic and their opinions expressed during the discussion. Especially, we would like to thank the organization committee of the Konrad-Adenauer-foundation’s scholarship holders for the invitation.