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Professor (on leave)
NameProf. Dr. Edeltraud Günther
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Prof. Dr. Edeltraud Günther has been appointed director of the UNU-FLORES Institute of the UN University for 4 years as of 01.09.2018. Prof. Günther is granted leave from the Technische Universität Dresden to take over this task. For this period, Prof. Günther will retain her membership rights as a university lecturer at the Faculty of Business and Economics at the Technische Universität Dresden.
- June 1993 dissertation "Ökologieorientiertes Controlling: Konzeption eines Systems zur ökologieorientierten Steuerung und empirische Validierung" (Environmental Management Control Systems: Theoretical Conceptualisation and Empirical Validation)
- 1989 to 1994 research assistant at the Chair of Accounting and Control at the University of Augsburg (Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. A.G. Coenenberg) [Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsprüfung und Controlling an der Universität Augsburg] and doctorate to a Dr. rer. pol.
- 1989 Language study at the École de Traduction et d`Interprétation of the University of Geneva
- Study of Business Administration from 1984 to 1989 at the University of Augsburg
Professional career
- In the summer semester of 2017 Visiting Professor at NUST – Namibia University of Science and Technology
- Since October 2016 founder and head of the Centre for Performance and Policy Research In Sustainability Measurement and Assessment PRISMA
- 2015 to 2017 Visiting Professor at Kobe University, Kobe, Japan
- December 2005 to May 2016 Visiting Professor of Commerce, McIntire School of Commerce at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, U.S.A.
- August 2001 to February 2002 Visiting Professor of Commerce, McIntire School of Commerce at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, U.S.A.
- Since 1996 Professor on the Chair of Environmental Management and Accounting, Faculty of Business and Economics at the TU Dresden
- 1994 to 1996 research assistant and project leader in the Economics Department of the Bavarian Institute of Applied Environmental Research and Technology GmbH (BIfA), Augsburg
You can find Prof. Guenthers publications on this site:
Chair's publications
Editorial Boards
- Zeitschrift für Umweltpolitik und Umweltrecht ZfU (since 2009)
- Sustainable Production and Consumption (since 2015)
- Sustainability Management Forum (since 2015)
- International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (since 2016)
Management functions in working groups
- Chairwoman of the DIN-working group for the development of the international standard DIN EN ISO 14051 “Material flow cost accounting” as well as ISO 14008 “Monetary valuation of environmental impacts from specific emissions and use of natural resources - Principles, requirements and guidelines” (since 2008)
- Chairperson of the Environment Commission of the TU Dresden (October 1998 to November 2006 and since 2011)
Expert activities
- Expert for international institutions, the European Union, German Federal and State Ministries, the Federal Environment Agency, the German Research Foundation as well as companies in the private sector.
- Expert Reviewer for IPCC Reports (Assessment Report 5, Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation, Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaption)
- Ad hoc reviews for journals, for example Academy of Management Education and Learning, Journal of Cleaner Production, International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, European Management Journal, Journal of Business Ethics, Business & Society, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Energy Policy, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Management Research Review
- 2015, Best Paper Award of the Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy for the article Bergmann, A., Stechemesser, K., Guenther, E. “Natural Resource Dependence Theory: Impacts of Extreme Weather Events on Organizations”, published in the Journal of Business Research
- 2011, "Dresden Carbon Footprint": nominee in the category "Excellent performance in environmental education" of the Environmental Award of Saxony
- 2011, Highly commended Award from Emerald LiteratiNetwork for their article "Guenther, E.;Greschner Farkavcova, V.: Decision making for transportation systems as a support for sustainable stewardship: Freight transport process evaluation using the ETIENNE-Tool", published in Management Research Review, Vol. 33, No. 4, 2010
- 2011, second award "plus energy house" with e-mobility (open interdisciplinary design competition for universities in cooperation with planning offices)
- 2010, selected faculty of Semester at Sea, Spring 2010 "Sustainability" to Mexico, Hawai, Japan, China, Vietnam, India, Mauritius, South Africa, Ghana, Brazil (classes: Global Citizenship, Investing in a Sustainable Future)
- 2008, B.A.U.M.-Umweltpreis (Environmental Award) in the category science
- 2005, award for developing the teaching concept "Investing in a sustainable future" at the Procter & Gamble Fund's annual curriculum for the development of innovative curricula
Selected activities
- Member of the working group Green Controlling of the International Controller Association (ICV) e.V. (since 2013)
- Membership in the working group "Integrated Reporting" of the Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft (since 2013)
- Member of DFG - Senate Commission on Water Research [DFG-Senatkommission für Wasserforschung] (2006 to 2011 and since 2015)
- Member of the expert forum "Sustainable Management" of the Hightech Forum (since 2015)
- Member of the Class of Engineering Sciences of the Saxonian Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Leipzig (since 2014)
- Member of the Commission of Sustainability Management in Association of University Professors of Management [Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement im Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e. V.] (since 1994)
Former Activities
- Chairwoman of the working group Scenarios of the DFG - Senate Commission Water Research of the German Research Foundation (since 2006)
- Chairwoman of the working group Environmental Management of the Schmalenbach Association for Business Administration (since 2009)
- Member of the selection committee for the ideas competition "Sustainable Management: Knowing costs, generating benefits" of the Council for Sustainable Development ["Nachhaltige Unternehmensführung: Kosten kennen - Nutzen erschließen" des Rates für Nachhaltige Entwicklung] (2011/2012)
- Organization and Natural Environment (ONE) Internationalization/Integration Team of the Academy of Management (AOM) (2010 to 2012)
- Member of the Senate of the TU Dresden (2006 to 2012)
- Chairwoman of the working group Environmental Management of the Schmalenbach Association for Business Administration (2002 to 2009)
- Cooperation on the Guidelines Committee VDI 4070 Sustainable Management [Richtlinienausschuss zu VDI 4070 Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften] (2001 to 2006)
- Vice Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics at TU Dresden [Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften] (1997 to 2000)
- Trusted lecturer of the German National Merit Foundation [Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes] (1997 to 1999)
Engagement in Teaching
Development of Environmental Management and Accounting as an independent specialisation in Business and Economics teaching and research as well as environmental orientation of academic teaching in a national and international context.
- Initiating the major field of study Environmental Management and Economics at Augsburg University in the early 1990s without financial resources
- Since 1996 building and leading the Chair of Environmental Management and Accounting at the TU Dresden
- Implementation of an environmental management system according to EMAS at TU Dresden (as the first German university of technology where this was done) by the initiative of Prof. Guenther as head of the environmental commission (first validation in 2003, revalidation in 2006, 2009, 2012, and 2015)
- Developing and implementing an environmental impact assessment for all courses at the TU Dresden (since 2003)
- Developing an innovative, cross-cultural, and cross-disciplinary teaching concept together with Mark A. White, University of Virginia in Charlottesville, USA (receiving the Procter & Gamble award for innovative teaching concepts in 2005)