Jul 22, 2013
International Summer School “SusES-future”
Sustainable Energy Systems
Interdependencies between Technical Design and Social
September 23rd – 28th, 2013, Dresden, Germany
The TUD International Summer School on Sustainable Energy Systems aims to bring excellent students and young researchers in the broad-based fields of engineering, economic and social sciences together in order to discuss current and future research questions relating to the shaping of our future energy systems. The summer school will provide comprehensive insights from diverse disciplines including various methods aiming at addressing these interdisciplinary research questions. The focus lies on scientific interaction and an exchange of ideas. Especially relevant research questions with regard to energy systems should be discussed in the intersection of the different disciplines. Thus, participants from all disciplines, e.g. mechanical and electrical engineering, economics, communication and political sciences, with an interest in the shaping of our future energy systems are welcome to participate.