Recap and impressions
May, 29, 2024
This year’s Crowdinvesting Symposium will take place at Dresden University of Technology / Germany. Researchers in the fields of economics, business administration, innovation, information systems, and law are encouraged to submit their papers. The workshop will provide scholars with the opportunity to present their research on topics related to the various fields of crowdfunding and crowdlending and to get feedback from fellow researchers. As this year’s keynote speaker, we welcome Professor Andrew A. Schwartz (University of Colorado Boulder). In his keynote speech he will discuss his new book Investment Crowdfunding. There will be opportunities to get in touch with the founders and managers of the local platforms.
Conference program: CI Symposium Agenda
Call for paper: CI Symposium Call for Paper
Register: Registration
Whom to meet in Dresden
Erik Ackermann
Erik Ackermann is a Research Fellow at the Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW, Knowledge and Technology Transfer Division. His research focuses on FinTech, in particular crowdfunding and blockchain-based financing, as well as crowdsourced innovation management.
Constantin Fabricius
Constantin Fabricius is the Managing Director of the Digital Lending Association e.V.
He co-authored the first and so far only commentary in Germany on the EU Regulation on European Crowdfunding Service Providers for business which lays down uniform rules across the EU for the provision of investment-based and lending-based crowdfunding services related to business financing.
Stefan Flinspach
Stefan Flinsbach is the Managing Director of the OneCrowd GmbH, based in Dresden, which combines the crowdinvesting platforms Seedmatch for corporate financing, Econeers for sustainable projects, and Mezzany for real estate investments.
Prof. Gaël Leboeuf
Gaël Leboeuf is an associate professor of finance at Aix-Marseille University and is affiliated to CERGAM Research Center. His research focus on entrepreneurial finance and more specifically on crowdfunding and venture capital.
Tino Kreßner
Tino Kreßner ist Crowdfunding-Pionier in Deutschland und Mitgründer der Crowdfunding-Plattform Mit der Finlane GmbH betreibt er zudem die Crowdfinancing-Technologie zur Förderung von gemeinnützigen Projekten zusammen mit Finanzdienstleistern. Er ist Co-Autor vom „Crowdfunding Handbuch“, Gründungsmitglied des Social Entrepreneurship Netzwerk Deutschland sowie einer Permakultur eG.
Iliyana Madina
Iliyana Madina is a Research Fellow at the Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW, Knowledge and Technology Transfer Division. Her research focuses are crowdfunding as a crisis instrument as well as financial resilience through crowdfunding.
Prof. Raghavendra Rau
Professor Rau is the Sir Evelyn de Rothschild Professor of Finance at Cambridge Judge Business School. He also holds the Gresham Chair in business at Gresham College and the Ambank Chair of Financial Services at the Universiti of Malaya. He is a founder and director of the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance (CCAF) and a member of the Cambridge Corporate Governance Network (CCGN).
Prof. Rotem Shneor
Professor Rotem Shneor is a full professor of entrepreneurship at the University of Agder School of Business and Law in Norway and is the head of the university's Crowdfunding Research Center. He is the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Alternative Finance.
Dr. Julia Sinnig
Julia Sinnig is a postdoctoral researcher at the ADA Chair in Financial Law (inclusive finance) at the University of Luxembourg.
Johannes Voshaar
Johannes Voshaar is a research assistant and PhD student in financial and management accounting at the University of Bremen and examines, among others, how technology influences accounting, accounting education, and finance. His research explores the implications of industrial robots on labor cost behavior as well as the use of mobile learning and generative AI in accounting education.
Karsten Wenzlaff
Karsten Wenzlaff is the Managing Director of Digital Investing Germany (Bundesverband Crowdfunding). He is also affiliated with University of Hamburg, the Centre for Alternative Finance at Cambridge University, and the European Centre for Alternative Finance at Utrecht University.
Prof. Dr. Dirk Zetsche
Prof. Dr. Dirk A. Zetzsche holds the ADA Chair in Financial Law (inclusive finance), at the Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance, University of Luxembourg. He further co-leads the Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance’s House of Sustainable Governance & Markets and is the co-Principal Investigator of the “FinTech National Centre of Excellence in Research” project.
Research Data Workshop
In a research data workshop, Karsten Wenzlaff will present a new data set on crowdinvesting platforms that have a European Crowdfunding Service Provider Regime (ECSPR) license. The data set contains the official data from the European Securities and Markets Authority (e.g. timing and type of licence, business model, licensing countries) data about the respective platform (e.g. focus of the platform). Karsten Wenzlaff would like to share this data set with other interested researchers. In the approximately 1-hour workshop, he will present the data collection method and data structure, some of which are specified by the ECSPR, and explain what other data is collected via the platforms. Karsten Wenzlaff is editor of various alternative finance benchmarking reports and author of the European Crowdfunding Market Report 2023.
Conferece Venue:
We were able to secure the Dresden Impact Hub directly in Dresden city center as a conference location. From there it is only a few minute walk to Dresden's Frauenkirche and the other world-famous sights.
Previous Crowdinvesting Symposia (Videos)