Bachelor Optional Studies/Diploma Main Studies
Opinions on our Bachelor and Diploma Main Studies Courses
Dr. Dieter Lederer (Administrative Director Vector Consulting Services GmbH) about the seminar Student2Start-up:
“The project is a unique mix of seminar, coaching, and consultation. It offers the students practicals instead of theoreticals, key stimuli for start-ups, enrichment and exiting new contacts for mentors. […] Every mentoring, every workshop widens my view as well and gives me new inspiration.”
Offered Courses
Our courses are a part of the core theme "Management and Marketing". The are within both the major as well as the minor. An overview of this core theme and its courses can be found in this figure.
► Entrepreneurship

Ms Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. Helene Müller
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Within the scope of this module, the examination consists of a project work of 100 hours and a 90-minute written examination.

Ms Sophie Kutzsch M. Sc.
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Further information
- Module number: BA-WW-BWL-0706, D-WW-WIWI-0706
- Winter Semester; Recommendation: 5th Semester
Credits: 10 LP, 2 SWS (Lecture), 3 SWS (Project Work)
Examination Form: Project Work (only possible in Winter Semester) + Written exam
90 min (possible in Summer and Winter Semester)
Start-ups and their founders are not only to be found in Silicon Valley but are the starting point of every company. The beginnings and prerequisites of Siemens, Aldi, or Spotify were quite different. Still, all companies have in common that it takes a particular management of young companies, in which business plans, business models, and a successful growth strategy play a central role. The lecture covers the theoretical basics of entrepreneurship, while the project allows students to apply their knowledge in practice. In the project, business challenges of real companies are analyzed in teamwork, solution strategies are developed, and recommendations for action are derived.
► Practical Aspects of Startup and Innovation Management
(Bachelor’s Seminar Entrepreneurship & Innovation)
As part of the course, one can choose from two alternative seminars: "Technologie & Gründung" and "Student2Start-up". The two seminars are part of the module “Practical Aspects of Startup Management”. The examination consists of a project lasting 90 h.

Ms Sarah Müller-Sägebrecht M. Sc.
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Further information
- OPAL (Winter Semester)
- Contact (Winter Semester):
Mrs Sarah Müller-Sägebrecht M.Sc. -
- dresden exists

Ms Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. Helene Müller
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- OPAL (Summer Semester)
- Contact (Summer Semester):
Ms Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. Helene Müller
- Module number: BA-WW-BWL-0704, D-WW-WIWI-0704 or BA-WW-BS
- Recommendation: 6th Semester
Credits: 5 LP, 3 SWS (Seminar)
Examination Form: Project Work 90h
In this seminar, your team and yourself assume the role of an entrepreneur in an enterprise in the production industry. You will go through the entire process from pitching the initial business idea to drafting the business plan to entering into the market. On top of that, you will work in a virtual market with the help of a computerized simulation program and engage in competition with your classmates’ teams. The seminar is held in multiple sessions. The information for last semester’s event can be found here!
For those who want to get a taste of the working world, this seminar is an absolute must! The goal is to work with start-ups and support them in dealing with a current challenge they face. After getting a basic understanding of the respective company, the students focus on finding solutions to the problems presented by the start-ups. You will work in teams, supported by a mentor from the business world. This seminar receives support from our external partners, the Wissensfabrik e.V. (, and our start-up initiative dresden exists. Thanks to their help we can offer you an interesting seminar with real young companies.
After two phases of analyzing, you will have the opportunity to present your suggested solutions and discuss their practicability in front of entrepreneurs and mentors from the business world (i.e. Mario Zimmermann and Dr. Dieter Lederer). The project is suited for anyone who wants to try working in a truly practically oriented environment and who is interested in the exciting topics of entrepreneurship and start-ups! An overview of the course can be found here.
► Innovation and Product Management

Ms Sarah Müller-Sägebrecht M. Sc.
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The course consists of an equally weighted lecture and project and can be taken as part of the module “Innovation and Product Management” as well as “Organization and Innovation” (together with the course “Organization Management”). An overview of the content and organization of the module can be found here. The exam consists of a 90 minute exam as well as a presentation (for those admitted before or in Summer 2014) or a 120 minute exam and a project (for those admitted after Winter 2014/15).
Further information
- the course is held in English
- Module number: BA-WW-BWL-0703, D-WW-WIWI-0703
- Summer Semester; Recommendation: 4th Semester
Credits: 10 LP, 2 SWS (Lecture), 2 SWS (Project Work)
Examination Form: Project Work (only in Summer Semester) + Written exam 120 min (possible in Summer and Winter Semester)
Innovations are the driving force behind the economy and are key determinants of business success. Successful innovations, however, are rarely a product of chance. Effectively using the economic and societal advantages that innovations bring along requires goal-oriented innovation and product management.
This module sheds light on the various phases of the innovation process – from generating ideas to preparing concepts to launching into the market and disseminating the innovation – and makes strategic tools available to future innovation managers through the lecture. In the project, the tools learned in the lecture are put into practice. The entire innovation process will be played out and an independently developed idea will be taken all the way to the prototype phase.