Master/Diploma Main Studies
Reviews for our Course Offerings in the Master and Diploma Main Studies Programs
Jelena Markovic (2nd Semester, M.B.A.) about the Business Plan Seminar:
“I have learned an unbelievable amount during the course of the Business Plan Seminar and proven to myself for the first time that my theoretical skills can be used in practical situations as well. I also didn’t know about my own excitement for strategic planning and the start-up scene.”
Offered Courses
As part of the Master Program, the chair offers courses in the context of the theme of "Corporate Development and Innovation". They are within primary focus or subsequent focus of various core themes (for those enrolled in Winter 2014 or later). An overview of this theme can be found in this figure.
► Financing with Venture Capital

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
NameNicholas Bost M. Sc., LL. M. oec.
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Visiting address:
Georg-Schumann-Bau, SCH B136 Münchner Platz 3
01069 Dresden
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Nach Vereinbarung
The course consists of an evenly weighted lecture and tutorial and is a part of the similarly named module “Financing with Venture Capital”. The exam consists of a 90 minute written examination and project work lasting 100 hours.
Further information
- Module number: MA-WW-BWL-0702a, D-WW-WIWI-0702a
- Summer Semester; Recommendation: 2nd Semester (MA)/ 6th or 8th Semester (Diploma)
Credits: 5 LP, 2 SWS (Lecture), 2 SWS (Project work)
Examination Form: Project work (only in Summer Semester) + exam 90 min
(possible in Winter and Summer Semester)
World renown, successful companies like Google or Amazon were able to successfully grow through the financing and know-how of venture capital companies. This business model, numerous case studies, and the complex contexts connected to them will be presented in the lecture. This course focuses on the financing of growth-oriented businesses with venture capital and private equity. In doing so, not only the views of the investor and the company seeking capital will be presented, but also those of advising or regulating institutions. The goal of the course is that the students recognize those taking part in financing as well as their goals, that they understand the business model of venture capital financing, and are able to make investment decisions as well as selecting the components of a participation agreement.
In the corresponding practical-oriented tutorial, the students will take the role of an investment manager and construct in teams an assessment of a growing start-up in cooperation with numerous partners from the corporate world.
► Current Topics in Startup Management (Business Plan Seminar)

Ms Sophie Kutzsch M. Sc.
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The business plan seminar is a part of the module “Current Topics in Start-Up Management”. A rough overview of the course of the seminar (from last semester) can be found here. The concrete dates for this summer’s seminar can be found here. The exam consists of a semester project (including explanation and discussion of results) consisting of 80 hours.
Further information
- Module number: MA-WW-BWL-0701, D-WW-WIWI-0701
- Summer Semester; Recommendation: 2nd Semester (MA)/ 6th or 8th Semester (Diploma)
Credits: 10 LP, 4 SWS (Seminar)
Examination Form: Project Work + Presentation (only in Summer Semester)
Because of its practical approach, the seminar is one of the most popular courses. It relies on especially high practical relevance and interdisciplinary work. The seminar focuses on concrete product or service ideas from start-ups, for which students will create a business plan. The ideas originate from students or staff of various departments at the TU Dresden or from non-university research facilities and are supervised by dresden exists. Specific prerequisites like technical or scientific knowledge will not be required, as the ideas should be presented in a true-to-life and easily understandable fashion in the business plan. The seminar also offers the unique chance to review real research results practically in a business plan. It is a great opportunity for all of those who want to work with start-ups at some point in their careers!
The view from the outside is of great value for the providers of the ideas. They support their team in a consulting manner and are also generally interested in integrating the seminar participants in the start-up process in the long term. The seminar includes a workshop as well as the presentation of the business plan in front of a jury of real experts (investors, bankers, advisors). Realistic feedback and exciting contact to the professional world are also guaranteed! The seminar is ideal for all who want to try working in a more practice-oriented setting and who are interested in the thrilling topic of the founding of start-ups.
► Technology Management

Ms Sarah Müller-Sägebrecht M. Sc.
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The course consists of an equally weighted lecture and exercise. It can be taken as a part of the module "Technology Management".
Further information
- the course is held in English
- Module number: MA-WW-BWL-0705, D-WW-WIWI-0705
- Winter Semester; Recommendation: 1st oder 3rd Semester (MA)/ 5th, 7th, or 9th Semester (Diploma)
Credits: 5 LP, 2 SWS (Lecture), 2 SWS (Practice)
Examination Form: Exam (60 min) + Exercises
Well-known "unicorns" from Apple to Amazon to Alibaba show that in addition to the development of new technologies, above all, commercialization is a crucial part for the success of a company. Repeatedly successful innovators have clearly defined strategies and goal-oriented management processes that are taught in this course.
The module deals with the components of successful technology management - from innovation and technology development to the organization and evaluation of technologies in the enterprise, to exploitation and their protection. Among other things, the course provides knowledge about the management of technologies, their procurement and international R&D management. The students get to know the innovation location Germany and Europe as well as important methods for R&D controlling and R&D organization. Without presupposing the contents, the module thus follows on to the course "Innovation and Product Management" and sheds light on new strategic aspects.
In the winter semester 2019/20, the new teaching concept "flipped classroom" will be implemented for the first time. In doing so, the teacher's frontal teaching is replaced by the independent development of knowledge by the students. They prepare literature, which will be discussed together with the teacher in the following course. In addition, the students work out selected literature and other materials in group work and present them in the course.
► Research Seminar
Ms Dr. Martina Pieperhoff
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The seminar “Research Seminar: Business Science” is a cooperative course with the Chair for Marketing and serves to prepare the students for a master’s project in one of the two subject areas. The participants learn to work with the challenges of an extensive final project (literature research, selection, management, academic writing, empirical data collection). The participants begin parallel or in addition to the seminar with the development of their final projects with the LEI MLS.
Further information
- Module number: MA-WW-FS, D-WW-FS
- Summer Semester and Winter Semester; Recommendation: 4th Semester (MA)/ 10th Semester (Diploma)
Credits: 10 LP, 4 SWS (Seminar)
Examination Form: According to the catalog of the faculty
The students are able to independently adress a research question within the scope of the specific master's/diploma orientation using economic methods. Various qualitative and quantitative research methods will be discussed.