Teilnahme an der VeRoLog 2022 in Hamburg

Vortrag Linß (VeRoLog 2022)
Vom 12. bis 15. Juni 2022 fand das 8. "Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization" (VeRoLog 2022) in Hamburg statt. Auf dem Campus der Kühne Logistics University trafen sich Wissenschaftler, Verbands- und Industrievertreter aus Europa und den USA, um aktuelle Forschungsthemen im Bereich der Tourenplanung zu präsentieren und zu diskutieren. Unser Mitarbeiter Florian Linß hielt einen Vortrag im Stream "Rich Vehicle Routing Problems" über das in Zusammenarbeit mit Leopold Kuttner und Felix Tamke entwickelte Forschungsprojekt zum Thema Tourenplanung mit integrierter Beladungsplanung.
Rich vehicle routing problem with three-dimensional loading constraints: a real-world application
We present a complex real-world vehicle routing problem with three-dimensional loading constraints. Among others, key features in the vehicle routing part include multiple time windows, forced and optional splitting, clustered pickup and delivery, and a limited heterogeneous vehicle pool as well as vertical stability, horizontal rotation, and LIFO constraints in the container loading subproblem. We propose an iterated local search metaheuristic with variable neighborhood descent. The loading subproblem is solved with an extreme-point based heuristic. According to the pack-first route-second approach, the loading length of orders is over-estimated in order to quickly identify feasible routes, which allows to bypass more expensive calls to the loading heuristic. The vehicle to route assignment is modeled as a minimum-weight maximum bipartite matching problem and solved by transforming it into a min-cost max-flow problem. The algorithm is tested on real-world instances from our industry partner in the corrugated package industry. We show that the proposed algorithm is well suited to support planners in their operational tasks.