starting your studies
The online magazine asked in its section "Study subjects explained" what prospective students should know. Here is the link to the article from 2.5.2023.
Business Education and Human Resource Management - a very first impression
In diesem Video wird das Studium der Wirtschaftspädagogik in Dresden besprochen und es werden berufliche Möglichkeiten nach dem Studium vorgestellt. © Thi Nhu Quynh Nguyen
Business Education and Human Resource Management - one degree programme, many options
In the following video you will get an overview of the structure and the contents of the study programmes Bachelor Business Education and Master Business Education. The corresponding handout is available for download.
Wirtschaftspädagogik an der TU Dresden - ein Studium, viele Möglichkeiten © mh
Business Education and Human Resource Management at a glance
The information sheets on the Bachelor of Business Education and Human Resource Management or the Master of Business Education and Human Resource Management provide a brief overview of the degree programme and possible professional activities.
In the brochure Business Education and Human Resource Management you will find an overview of the courses offered by the chair.
Interested in studying business education and management training? Then here is all the information you need to apply for a place at university:
Degree program Business Education and Management Training (Bachelor)
Degree program Business Education and Management Training (Master)