Alexander Clauss

Teamlead & Research Associate
NameMr Alexander Clauss
E-Learning, Internes Community Management, SmartWork (New Work)
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Professur für Wirtschaftsinformatik, insb. Informationsmanagement
Professur für Wirtschaftsinformatik, insb. Informationsmanagement
Office hours:
on appointment
Dr. Samuel Reeb has been a Research Associate at the Chair of Information Systems, specializing in Information Management under Prof. Dr. Eric Schoop at the Faculty of Business and Economics, Technische Universität Dresden, since January 2019. As of January 2023, he holds the position of Team Lead in his postdoctoral role. His primary focus is on providing expert leadership in the research areas of data-driven and AI-supported management, knowledge management, and new work. Additionally, he oversees the team's self-organization in the areas of finance, procurement, and project management within the chair.
Driving Strategy with Employees: A sustainable Maturity Model approach for Intraorganizational Online Collaboration , 11 Oct 2023, 267 p.Research output: Types of Thesis > Doctoral thesis
Data-supported Management of Online Collaboration using Social Learning Analytics , 3 Dec 2021Research output: Types of Thesis > Doctoral thesis
Theorie und Praxis des Flipped Classrooms - Modell, Design und Evaluation , 2 Feb 2021, 208 p.Research output: Types of Thesis > Doctoral thesis