Technology Platform
Advanced and sophisticated technologies, together with state-of-the-art equipment and trained dedicated personnel, are prerequisites for first-class research in the fields of biotechnology and biomedicine. The nine Core Facilities of the CMCB Technology Platform (jointly run by B CUBE, BIOTEC and CRTD) provide access to superior technical and personnel resources through innovative management concepts.
Currently over 150 research groups use the services offered by the CMCB Technology Platform. Under the guidance of the "DRESDEN-concept" initiative, the core facilities involve substantial interdisciplinarity and are in close exchange with other facilities. As a stage for close cooperation, the facilities support many research initiatives, stimulate interdisciplinary cooperation and create an important platform for acquisition of national and international funds. Interested users are asked to directly get in contact with the core facilities. It is required to sign the user regulations before the first use. After that the equipment booking is processed via the booking system.
There are several technology sub-platforms related to CRTD:
- Clinical and preclinical cell and tissue technology
- Imaging and cell analysis
- Biomaterials
- Genetics/genetic engineering and animal models
- High-throughput screening
- Bioinformatics
- Electrophysiology