CMCB Technology Platform
The Technology Platform has several Core Facilities that provide access to state-of-the-art research equipment and offer specialized services based on the expertise of the CMCB research groups. By bundling resources, a professional and efficient operation of the devices is achieved, which is supported by dedicated scientific and technical staff. Based on user needs the existing know-how is continuously developed and adapted.

Cutting-edge Technologies and Services
The advantages resulting from the use of Core Facilities are not only available for researchers of the instututes of the CMCB, but are open to all scientists at the Technische Universität Dresden, cooperating institutions, and biotechnology companies.
The goals behind the Core Facilites of the CMCB technology platform are:
boost the scientific efficiency of all life science research groups of the Technische Universität Dresden with the availability of current technologies and equipment
offer high-specialized technologies and equipment to a wide user field and therewith raise third-party-funding beyond the insitutes of the CMCB
increase the attractiveness of Dresden for requitment and commitment of international researchers
increase the competitiveness of junior research groups with best research opportunities and short establishment periods
increase the occupancy rate of facilities and equipment to optimize the use of resources (investments, personnel and non-personnel costs, infrastucture)
support the establishment and use of synergies within the university but also with non-university partners (DRESDEN-concept)
Interested users must be approved before the first usage - more information can be found here Access and Costs. Users who have already been admitted can make a binding reservation for the devices via the booking system. For service requests please contact the staff of the Core Facilities or the CMCB TP Admin Team.