Sep 22, 2022
New to university teaching? Impulses for your course planning in the Digital Workspace "Lehre digital_Konzeption & Gestaltung" (ZiLL)
The Centre for Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching (ZiLL) would like to support you in the didactic and technical planning of your first courses with our workshop offer. On two days, 29.09. and 30.09.2022, we will support you in your semester organisation from 9 am to 4.30 pm each day. Our workspace is primarily aimed at teachers who have little experience as lecturers.
As we know that time is a valuable commodity for teachers, we would like to offer you the greatest possible flexibility in terms of when and how long you work on your teaching concept on the two days and when or whether you complete it during the Workspace.
We will offer you short knowledge inputs to which we will exchange experiences and discuss questions afterwards. Afterwards, you can (continue to) work on your concepts or implementations in the virtual space alone or in a group. If necessary, we will be at your side to advise you. You only take part in the courses that you really need.
You can register via the TU Dresden's continuing education catalogue until 20.09.22.
We look forward to an interactive, productive workshop and your teaching visions!