Our chair cooperates with strong partners worldwide
Coining for the Chair's profile are academic teaching and research, particularly in the international context and in close cooperation with countries in- and outside Europe as well as the acquisition of scientific studies for a scientific monitoring of educational development world-wide. This focuses - in close cooperation with the other Chaírs of the IBBD - on all fields of vocational and continuous education and deals with staff development of curricula and staff for vocational education and training and higher educational. Due to this unique combination Dresden University of Technology is able to offer advanced and highly competitive research and development dealing with media in vocational education. This includes:
1. Profiling and evaluation of special conditions of vocational education, including training of vocational education management staff
2. Development and operation of any kind of media service for vocational education, including state of the art E-Learning facilities often advacing international standards
3. Providing internationally experienced staff with degrees in the field of vocational education research (M.A. „Vocational Education and Personnel Capacity Building”) from both a developing countries’ university and Dresden University of Technology.
Besides Prof. Koehler was and is lecturing at a number of academic institutions worldwide, among them the University of Bergen (Norway), the Yogyakarta State University (Indonesia); the Beijing Institute of Technology (China) and the Catholic Pedagogical College Linz (Austria) and the Université de Strasbourg (France).

Research and development in the field of media in vocational training
Due to this unique combination, TUD Dresden University of Technology is able to offer advanced and competitive research and development in the field of media in vocational education. This includes:
- profiling and evaluating the specific conditions for vocational education, including the training of vocational education management staff
- developing and operating all types of media services for VET, including state-of-the-art e-learning facilities that often drive international standards
- providing degrees for internationally experienced staff in the field of VET research (M.A. "VET and Human Resource Capacity Building") both from a university in developing countries and from TUD Dresden University of Technology.
Prof. Köhler has been a lecturer at a number of academic institutions worldwide, including the University of Bergen (Norway), Yogyakarta State University (Indonesia), the Beijing Institute of Technology (China), the Catholic College of Education Linz (Austria) and the Université de Strasbourg (France).