Mar 20, 2025
FOVOG Newsletter 01/2025 published
The first Newsletter 2025 has been published. FOVOG informs subscribers to its newsletter at least twice a year about its current activities, new publications and events.
One highlight of the current newsletter is the presentation of three new projects, including the project "Generationenwechsel und transgenerationale Identität. Vergleichende Analyse eines Kippunktes institutioneller Festigkeit am Beispiel ausgewählter religiöser Gemeinschaften" [Generational Change and Transgenerational Identity. Comparative Analysis of a Tipping Point of Institutional Stability Using the Example of Selected Religious Communities], as well as information on a number of upcoming events, including the workshop "Statutes of Hospitaller Orders and Statutes of Hospitals in European Comparison (12th to 18th Century)", Dresden, March 24-26, 2025, and the workshop "The Paradox of Monastic Bishops. A Comparison between the Eastern and Western Churches in the Middle Ages", Dresden, April 1-2, 2025.
The current newsletter is available here. If you would like to receive regular information about FOVOG, you can subscribe to the newsletter here. Past newsletters can be read here.