Chair holder
Curriculum Vitae
- 2023 Accepted the Chair of Biblical Theology (Protestant Theology) at the Institute of Protestant Theology at TU Dresden
- 2021-2023 Chair of New Testament II with a focus on the New Testament and Greco-Roman culture at the Faculty of Protestant Theology at LMU Munich
- Winter semester 2020/2021 Stand-in Professor for New Testament II with a focus on the New Testament and Greco-Roman Culture at the Faculty of Protestant Theology at LMU Munich
- January 2020 Habilitation at the Protestant Theological Faculty of the Ruhr University Bochum (subject: New Testament)
- Summer semester 2020 Lecturer at the Institute of Protestant Theology at TU Dresden
- 2013-2019 Research Assistant at the Institute of Protestant Theology at TU Dresden
- 2016-2018 in the function of a principal investigator of a junior research group funded by the SMWK in cooperation with the Saxon Academy of Sciences; from 2018-2019 as Open Topic Post Doc
- 2013 Examination for Dr. theol. (Faculty of Protestant Theology, Ruhr University Bochum)
- 2012-2013 Teaching fellow (Biblical Theology: Old and New Testament) at the Protestant Theological Faculty of the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität in Münster
- 2011-2013 Lecturer for Ancient History at the University of Siegen
- 2010-2013 Research Associate at the Chair of Exegesis and Theology of the New Testament, History of Early Christianity and at the Käte Hamburger Kolleg "Dynamics in the History of Religions" at the Ruhr University Bochum
- 2012 State examination, additional third subject German studies
- 2004-2012 Studied Protestant Theology, History and German Studies in Bochum and Vienna (2007 B.A.; 2009 M.Ed.)
- 2004 A-levels (Abitur)
- Born 1984 in Recklinghausen, married, two children
Core research areas
- Reading in antiquity and early Christianity
- Theology, history and New Testament foundations of the Lord's Supper
- Focus on the New Testament: Gospel of John, Epistles of John and Acts of the Apostles, 1 Corinthians, Epistles of Paul and Catholic Epistles as a collection
- History and theology of the New Testament canon
- Textual criticism/the text of the New Testament in the 2nd century
- Digital humanities and exegetical methods
- Classical Studies of culture, religion and agricultural history
- Metaphor theory and semiotics
Selection of the most important publications
- J. Heilmann, Lesen in Antike und frühem Christentum. Kulturgeschichtliche, philologische sowie kognitionswissenschaftliche Perspektiven und deren Bedeutung für die neutestamentliche Exegese (TANZ 66), Tübingen 2021.
Awarded the Hanns Lilje Prize of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities and the Dr. Klaus Marquardt Prize of the Society of Friends of the Ruhr University Bochum.
- J. Heilmann, Wein und Blut. Das Ende der Eucharistie im Johannesevangelium und dessen Konsequenzen (BWANT 204), Stuttgart 2014.
Awarded the Philipp-Matthäus-Hahn-Preis 2015 and the Armin Schmitt Preis für biblische Textforschung 2015.
- J. Heilmann, Reading Early New Testament Manuscripts. Scriptio continua, “Reading Aids” and Other Characteristic Features, in: Anna Krauß/Jonas Leipziger/Friederike Schücking-Jungblut (Hrsg.), Material Aspects of Reading in Ancient and Medieval Cultures. Materiality, Presence and Performance (Materiale Textkulturen 26), Berlin 2020, 177–196. doi:
- J. Heilmann/K. Künzl, Das Problem von Kurz- und Langtext in Lk 22,17–20 und das für Marcion bezeugte Evangelium. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur methodischen Kritik an bisherigen Rekonstruktionen desselben, in: Novum Testamentum 62/2 (2020), 117–138. doi:
- J. Heilmann, A Meal in the Background of John 6:51-58?, in: Journal of Biblical Literature 137 (2018), 481–500. doi:
- J. Heilmann, Die These einer editio princeps des Neuen Testaments im Spiegel der Forschungsdiskussion der letzten zwei Jahrzehnte, in: ders./Matthias Klinghardt (Hrsg.), Der Text des Neuen Testaments im 2. Jahrhundert (TANZ 61), Tübingen 2018, 21–56.
- J. Heilmann, J. Garcés, Digital Humanities und Exegese. Erträge, Potentiale, Grenzen und hochschuldidaktische Perspektiven, in: Forum Exegese und Hochschuldidaktik. Verstehen von Anfang an (VvAa) 2/2 (2017), 29–52.