Die Professur stellt sich vor
Die Biblische Theologie hat die Aufgabe, die biblische Überlieferung in ihrer spezifischen Eigenart wahrzunehmen und im Gespräch der theologischen Disziplinen zu Gehör zu bringen. Die Biblische Theologie macht das Alte und das Neue Testament als Grundlage und Ausgangspunkt aller weiteren theologischen Theoriebildung durchsichtig und bringt das jeweils eigene Profil der biblischen Texte als kritische Instanz in das theologische Gespräch ein.
Chair of Biblical Theology
In addition to imparting biblical knowledge, the most important task is to approach the potential meaning of the biblical texts in their historical context. To this end, the religious traditions and writings of ancient Israel and early Christianity are examined in their context of the ancient Near East and the Greco-Roman world using the methodological instruments of history and philology in particular. A particular focus of the Chair is the integration of computational methods into exegetical research and teaching.
By revealing the differences between the meaning of the biblical writings in their historical contexts of origin and their diverse reception at different stages of theological and church history, Biblical Theology opens up the space for the present in which a responsible theological judgment becomes possible. At the same time, it trains the ability to accept what is foreign as foreign - an indispensable prerequisite for any discussion in a pluralistic society. The situation of the Institute at the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science offers ideal conditions for looking beyond one's own (theological) horizons.