Sep 24, 2024
"O sing unto the Lord an old song" - opening and presentation of a virtual exhibition

»O sing unto the Lord an old song«
Opening and presentation of a virtual exhibition on October 9, 2024 at 5 p.m. in the library of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Saxony
500 years ago, in 1524, the first Protestant hymnbooks were published in Erfurt, Nuremberg and Wittenberg. Since then, the hymnbook has had such an impact on Protestantism that it is no longer possible to imagine a church service without a hymnbook. Over the centuries, numerous new hymns have been created, offering both comfort and hope - even in the hardest of times, such as for soldiers or miners.
Each hymnbook tells its own story. The exhibition highlights key aspects of this tradition: from the theological significance of the hymnbook as the "pharmacy of the soul" to the artistic illustrations of early editions and the special history of Sorbian hymnbooks in Saxony. In addition, the role of the hymnal in the Enlightenment and the standardization tendencies of the 19th century are examined before showing how old songs find their way into modern hymnals and connect the past with the present.
The library of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Saxony has an extensive collection of hymnbooks that documents this fascinating development from the 16th to the 21st century. In cooperation with students from the TU Dresden, this treasure was examined and the results are now being presented in a virtual exhibition.
We cordially invite you to the official opening of this exhibition and look forward to seeing you there!
Speakers: Dr. Stefan Michel, TU Dresden and students of Protestant theology
Greeting: Oberlandeskirchenrat Dr. Thilo Daniel
Musical entertainment: Regional church music director Burkhard Rüger and the Strehlen vocal quartet
Venue: Library of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Saxony, Lukasstr. 6, 01069 Dresden Time: October 9, 2024 5.00 to 6.30 p.m.
Link to the exhibition (from 9.10.24): gesangbuch-sachsen