Guest students please note the following information on registering with OPAL and on enrolling and using the OPAL courses.
Please also note the language courses offered at the TU Dresden
as well as the courses of the Institute of Catholic Theology.
Courses at the Institute of Protestant Theology
For more information on the individual courses, please refer to the annotated course catalog. Unless indicated differently, the course language is German.
Summer semester 2025
Annotated course catalog - as of 12.03.2024
Overview timetable - as of 12.03.2024
Past semesters
Winter semester 2024/2025
Annotated course catalog - as of 23.09.2024
Overview timetable - as of 03.09.2024
Summer semester 2024
Annotated course catalog - as of 26.03.2024
Overview timetable
Winter semester 2023/2024
Annotated course catalog - as of 1.11.2023
Summer semester 2023
Annotated course catalog - as of 07.02.2023