Areas of research
The Chair's focal areas of research and interest include the history of education and religion, the history of bourgeoisie and mentality, and recent political history. With regard to didactics, the main focus is on historical culture and out-of-school learning at historical (learning) sites.
Current research projects include the DFG-funded project 'The Eucken Circle. Cultural Crisis and Neo-Idealistic Reform, 1900-1950' and the sub-project 'Lernlandschaft Sachsen. Lernen attraktiv gestalten durch außerschulische Lernorte', which is funded by the Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the joint project 'Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung'.
You will find more detailed information on the main areas of research and interest on the pages of the Chair holder and the individual staff members under 'Publications' and 'Focal areas of research and teaching'.
In addition, current research projects and qualification papers are presented and discussed in the subject didactics historical colloquium.