Buch2 © Sebastian Miksch Lehre Kaluzna © B. Pendzich

Studying at the BKM Junior Professorship

The history of Eastern Europe is fascinating, the historiography of the region is highly dynamic and innovative. You will experience this during the courses run by the Chair, while in class as well as while reading for preparation. The courses we offer are designed to familiarise you with both the history of a historical region and key research perspectives of the subject.
Studying history means reading, the preparatory reading (incl. texts in English) is an essential prerequisite for make the courses a success. You can be sure to apply and deepen the knowledge acquired through your reading in seminars and exercises. You will have opportunities to do so in seminar discussions, while exchanging views in small groups, and during the analysis of primary sources.

I am happy to supervise final theses on Eastern European history, Jewish history, the history of minorities, and related topics. Should you have any questions or be interested, do not hesitate to come to one of my office hours!

learn more Studying at the BKM Junior Professorship

At A Glance

 Das Foto zeigt drei Studierende in einem vollen Hörsaal. Sie sitzen nebeneinander und schauen gemeinsam in ein Notebook. © Amac Garbe