Selected publications of the Chair of History of Technology and Economics
Uwe Fraunholz, Maximilian Gasch, Anna Mattern: Construction - Deconstruction. Bauingenieure im Krieg, Dresden: TUD Dresden University of Technology 2023.
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Anna Mattern: Between models, books and violet wood. Die mechanisch-technologische Sammlung Dresdens zwischen 1851 und 1872, in: transfer - Zeitschrift für Provenienzforschung und Sammlungsgeschichte / Journal for Provenance Re-search and the History of Collection 1 (2022), DOI:, pp. 122-133.
Korinna Schönhärl, Gisela Hürlimann, Dorothea Rohde (eds.), Histories of Tax Evasion, Avoidance and Resitance, London 2022.
Hagen Schönrich/Matthias Röhr: Weder Rundfunk noch Presse. The introduction of screen text in the context of the media policy debates of the 1970s and 1980s. In: History of Technology 89 (2022), H. 2, pp. 123-148.
David Drengk: Maintenance and repair as the backbone of colonial railroads. Central and mobile workshops and infirmaries in the Ivorian forest, In: Technikgeschichte 89 (2022), H. 2, pp. 149-180.
Gisela Hürlimann, Switzerland, in: Peter Esser (ed.), History and Taxation. The Dialectical Relationship between Taxation and the Political Balance of Power, Amsterdam 2022, pp. 657-679.
Sébastien Guex, Gisela Hürlimann, Matthieu Leimgruber (eds.), Steuern und Ungleichheit. Fiscalité et inégalités. Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte/ Annuaire suisse d'histoire économique et sociale (Volume 36), Zurich 2021.
Anton F. Guhl, Gisela Hürlimann (eds.), Staged History. Mediality and Politics of European University Anniversaries from 1850 to the Present | Staging History. Anniversaries in European Institutions of Higher Learning from 1850 to the Present, Berlin/Boston 2022.
Auf den Spuren des Nutztiers / Sur les traces des animaux de rente. Traverse. Zeitschrift für Geschichte - Revue d'histoire, Vol. 2021/2 (ed. by Gisela Hürlimann, together with Alexandre Elsig, Sarah-Maria Schober, Isabelle Schürch).