Selected publications of the Chair of History of Technology and Science of Technology
Manfred Curbach, Oliver Steinbock and Thomas Hänseroth: Willy Gehler - Versuch einer Einordnung. Proceedings of the workshop in Dresden on April 11, 2017,
Dresden 2018.
Uwe Fraunholz, Hagen Schönrich, Oliver Steinbock, Clemens Milker and Philipp Pfennig: Willy Gehler. Careers of a German civil engineer, Dresden 2017.
Thomas Hänseroth (ed.): Dresdener Beiträge zur Geschichte der Technikwissenschaften (DBGT). Dresden 1980ff.
Uwe Fraunholz and Hagen Schönrich: Delusional inventions: The technical visions of Karl Hans Janke. Dresden 2014.
Uwe Fraunholz and Thomas Hänseroth (eds.): Unequal Paths? Innovationskulturen im deutsch-deutschen Vergleich (= Cottbuser Studien zur Geschichte von Technik, Arbeit und Umwelt, vol. 41). Münster et al. 2012.
- Information and table of contents on the publisher's website
- Review by Reinhold Bauer, in: NTM 21 (2013), H. 4, pp. 435-438
- Review by Heike Knortz, in: Technikgeschichte 81 (2014), H. 4, p. 381f.
Uwe Fraunholz and Swen Steinberg et al.: [Mit]Gemacht? Technicians and scientists at the TH Dresden under National Socialism, Dresden 2012.
Uwe Fraunholz and Sylvia Wölfel (eds.): Engineers in Technocratic High Modernism. Thomas Hänseroth on his 60th birthday (= Cottbuser Studien zur Geschichte von Technik, Arbeit und Umwelt, vol. 40), Münster et al. 2012.
- Information and table of contents on the publisher's website
- Review by Peter Hübner, in: Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte 100 (2013), H. 3, p. 349f.
- Review by Ingo Löppenberg, in: Das Historisch-Politische Buch 3 (2014), p. 315
Uwe Fraunholz and Anke Woschech (eds.): Technology Fiction. Technische Visionen und Utopien in der Hochmoderne (= 1800/2000. Kulturgeschichten der Moderne, vol. 10), Bielefeld 2012.
- Information, table of contents and reading sample on the publisher's website
- Review by Kurt Möser, in: History of Technology 80 (2013), H. 3, p. 264f.
- Review by Martina Hessler, in: H-Soz-u-Kult, 07.07.2014
Uwe Fraunholz and Sebastian Beese: Ein Funken Wahrheit: Energievisionen in der technokratischen Hochmoderne, Dresden 2011.
Thomas Hänseroth (ed.): Science and Technology. Studies on the history of TU Dresden (= 175 years of TU Dresden, vol. 2). Cologne and others 2003.
Johannes Abele, Gerhard Barkleit and Thomas Hänseroth (eds.): Innovationskulturen und Fortschrittserwartungen im geteilten Deutschland (= Schriften des Hannah-Arendt-Instituts für Totalitarismusforschung, vol. 19). Cologne/Weimar/Vienna 2001.
Thomas Hänseroth and Ralf Pulla (eds.): Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at the TU Dresden in the GDR. Contributions to the colloquium of contemporary witnesses on March 14, 2000 in Dresden. Dresden 2000.
Thomas Hänseroth and Klaus Mauersberger (eds.): Mechanical Engineering at the TU Dresden between Science and Practice from 1945 to the Present. Contributions to the colloquium on the history of science in the GDR on May 24, 2000 in Dresden. Dresden 2000.
Thomas Hänseroth and Carsten Krautz (eds.): History of Saxon machine tool building in the industrial age. Contributions to the conference on March 19, 1998 in Dresden (= Saxonia. Publication series of the Association for Saxon Regional History, vol. 6). Dresden 2000.
Thomas Hänseroth (ed.): Technology and science as productive forces in history. Rolf Sonnemann on his 70th birthday. Dresden 1998.