Civil Law, Intellectual Property,
Data Law, Regulation of Platforms and Digital Services,
European Private Law, Comparative Law and Private International Law,
- (Intellectual) Property in the Digital Age/ Creative Processes with AI
- Human-Machine-Interaction: Autonomy and Protection of Vulnerable Persons
- Regulation of very large Online Platforms and Digital Services, with particular interest in AI and the protection of vulnerable persons,
- Children's rights, Families and New Technologies
- Since September 2022: Tenure-Track Junior Professor of Civil Law, Intellectual Property, especially Patent Law, and Legal Issues of AI at the University of Dresden (TU), Germany
- Since 2021: Member of the Board of Directors of the Research Center for Legal Issues of New Technologies as well as Data Law (ForTech) in Bonn under the direction of Prof. Dr. Louisa Specht-Riemenschneider
- Since 2017: Habilitation Candidate at the University of Bonn
- 2017- August 2022: Research coordinator at the Käte Hamburger Center for Advanced Study in the Humanities "Law as Culture", University of Bonn
- 2015-2017: Legal trainee at the Regional Court of Cologne, with stations inter alia at the German Embassy in Washington, D.C., U.S.A., in the "Patent Litigation" department of a legal consulting firm, and at the Court of Justice of the European Union, Luxembourg
- 2016: Doctorate at the University of Bonn (summa cum laude) with the dissertation "Nacheheliche Verantwortung in Frankreich und Deutschland", awarded with the Doctorate Prize of the Law Department of the University of Bonn, the Doctorate Prize of the French Republic for Young Scientists, and the Foundation Prize of the Institute for Fundamental Research in Family Law (Foundation Gerd Brudermüller)
- 2012- 2015: Working at the Chair of Civil Law, Private International Law, Comparative Law and European Private Law (Prof. Dr. Nina Dethloff, LL.M.)
- 2014: Research stay at the Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 (Prof. Fulchiron), funded by the DAAD
- 2011-2012: Postgraduate studies in European Legal Studies at the College of Europe/Collège d'Europe, Belgium with a master thesis in "Intellectual Property Protection: New Technologies, Trademarks, Designs and Copyright in the Common Market and on Global Markets" (Prof. Dr. Hanns Ullrich), College of Europe/ Collège d'Europe, Belgium
- Legal Studies in Trier (Completion of the subject-specific foreign language training in Anglo-American law), Paris and Bonn, supported by the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (German National Academic Foundation)
Books (Edited Works and Monograph)
Spindler/Schuster/Kaesling, Recht der elektronischen Medien (Law of the Electronic Media), 5th edition Munich 2024, in preparation (edited with Gerald Spindler and Fabian Schuster), Spindler / Schuster | Recht der elektronischen Medien | 5. Auflage | 2024 |
Die Achtung des Fremden - Leerformel oder Leitprinzip im Internationalen Privatrecht? (Deference to the foreign – Empty phrase or guiding principle of private international law?), Tübingen 2024 (edited with Florian Heindler, Martina Melcher, Andreas Engel, Ben Köhler, Bettina Rentsch, Susanna Roßbach and Johannes Ungerer), Die Achtung des Fremden 978-3-16-163374-4 - Mohr Siebeck
Recommender Systems: Legal and Ethical Issues, Part of the book series: The international Library of Ethics, Law and Technology, Berlin/Heidelberg 2023 (edited with Sergio Genovesi and Scott Robbins), OPEN ACCESS: Recommender Systems: Legal and Ethical Issues |SpringerLink
Families and New Media – Comparative Perspectives on Digital Transformations in Law and Society, Edited Volume, Juridicum – Schriften zum Medien-, Informations- und Datenrecht, Berlin/Heidelberg 2023 (edited with Nina Dethloff and Louisa Specht-Riemenschneider), 73 -110, OPEN ACCESS: Families and New Media: Comparative Perspectives on Digital Transformations in Law and Society | SpringerLink
Between Sexuality, Gender & Reproduction: On the Pluralization of Family Forms, European Family Law Series, Cambridge 2023 (edited with Nina Dethloff), OPEN ACCESS: Between Sexuality, Gender and Reproduction - Intersentia
- Immaterialgüter und Medien im Binnenmarkt: Europäisierung des Rechts und ihre Grenzen (intellectual property and media in the single market: Europeanization of the law and its limits), conference proceedings of the 6th GRUR Young Science Conference Baden-Baden 2022, (edited with Anna Bernzen and Karina Grisse), 229 pages, Immaterialgüter und Medien im Binnenmarkt von Bernzen , Grisse , Kaesling - 978-3-8487-8857-6 | Nomos Online-Shop (
- Wortgebunden. Zur Verbindlichkeit von Versprechen in Recht und Literatur (Word-bound. On the Commitment of Promises in Law and Literature), Edited Volume, Schriftenreihe „Recht als Kultur“, Klostermann, Frankfurt am Main 2021 (edited with Gregor Albers und Joachim Harst), 379 pages, Wortgebunden - Vittorio Klostermann – Philosophie, Recht, Literatur, Bibliothek
- Nacheheliche Verantwortung in Frankreich und Deutschland – Eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung zu Grund und Grenzen zeitgemäßen Unterhalts (Post-marital Responsiblitiy in France and Germany - Comparative Law Research Regarding Grounds, Ratio and Limits of Modern Maintenance), European Family Law Series, Intersentia, Bern/Cambridge 2017, 425 pages, Nacheheliche Verantwortung in Frankreich und Deutschland (Kaesling, Katharina) - Stämpfli Verlag - Recht und Sachbuch (
Article-by-Article Commentaries
- KI-Verordnung (AI Regulation) - Commentary on the Codes of Conduct, Art. 69 of the Commission proposal/Art. 95 AI Act (Corrigendum 17.4.2024), in: Heinze/Steinrötter/Zerdick, KI-Verordnung, C.H.Beck, 2024, in preparation, Heinze / Steinrötter | KI-Verordnung | 1. Auflage | 2024 | (in German language)
Article-by-Article Commentary on §§ 95a - 102a Urhebergesetz (UrhG - German Copyright Law) in: Spindler/Schuster/Kaesling, Recht der elektronischen Medien, 5. Auflage München 2024, in Vorbereitung (herausgegeben mit Gerald Spindler und Fabian Schuster), Spindler / Schuster | Recht der elektronischen Medien | 5. Auflage | 2024 |
Article-by-Article Commentary on Articles 33, 34, 35, 37, 40, 41, 42, 43 as well as Preface to Art.s 33 ff, in: Hofmann/Raue, Digital Services Act: Article-by-Article Commentary - Digital Services Act, Digital Services Act: DSA von Hofmann , Raue - 978-3-8487-8616-9 | Nomos Online-Shop (, 1st edition 2024 (in English language)
Digital Services Act / Digital Markets Act - Commentary on norms in: Mast/Kettemann/Dreyer/Schulz, Digital Services Act / Digital Markets Act (DSA/DMA), Munich 2024, forthcoming, Mast / Kettemann | Digital Services Act / Digital Markets Act (DSA / DMA) | 1. Auflage | 2024 |
Preliminary Note to Art. 71 et seq. DSA, Article 71 DSA (Commitments),
Article 72 DSA (Monitoring actions), Article 73 DSA (Non-compliance), Article 25 DMA (Commitments), Article 26 DMA (Monitoring of obligations and measures), Article 29 DMA (Non-compliance) -
Digital Services Act - Commentary on norms in the section on Very Large Online Platforms and Very Large Online Search Engines, in: Hofmann/Raue, Digital Services Act, Nomos, Baden-Baden 2023, Hofmann / Raue (Hrsg.) | Digital Services Act: DSA | 1. Auflage | 2023 |, 151 pages (in German language)
In detail:
Preliminary Note to Art. 33 et seq.,
Article 33 (Very Large Online Platforms and Very Large Online Search Engines),
Article 34 (Risk Assessment),
Article 35 (Risk Mitigation),
Article 37 (Independent Review),
Article 40 (Data Access and Control),
Article 41 (Compliance Department),
Article 42 (Transparency Reporting Obligations), and
Article 43 (Supervision Fees) - Commentary on the Provisions on Contracts concerning Digital Products, §§ 327-327u, §§ 445c, 516a, 548a und 578b German Civil Code, in: Herberger/Martinek/Rüßmann/Weth/Würdinger (eds.), juris PraxisKommentar BGB, online accessible since January 2022, juris PraxisKommentar BGB Band 2 - Schuldrecht, last updated May 2023
- Commentary of §§ 1564-1588 German Civil Code, in: Dannemann/Schulze (eds.), German Civil Code – Article-by-Article Commentary, C.H. Beck in association with Hart Publishing, Oxford and Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden 2022, Dannemann / Schulze | German Civil Code = Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch (BGB) • Volume II | 1. Auflage | 2022 |
Articles in Journals and Edited Volumes
- Einheit und die Vielfalt der Rechtsquellen des EU-Patents - Zur Vereinheitlichung, Auslegung und Bestimmung des anwendbaren Rechts (Unity and the diversity of legal sources of the EU patent - On the unification, interpretation and determination of the applicable law), ZGE (Zeitschrift für Geistiges Eigentum), forthcoming
- B2B und B2C-Datenzugang nach dem Data Act: Datengetriebene Innovation zwischen Datenmaximierung und Datensparsamkeit (B2B and B2C data access after the Data Act: Data-driven innovation between data maximization and data economy), GRUR 2024, 821- 829, GRUR 2024, 821 - beck-online
- Malerei mit KI: Urheberrechtliche Zuordnung bei Schöpfung mit Text-to-Image LLMs (Painting with AI: Copyright attribution for creation with text-to-image LLMs), ZUM 7/2024, 493 - 501, forthcoming
- Regulierung von Dark Patterns im Digital Services Act - Nutzer- und Verbraucherschutz im Internet (Regulation of Dark Patterns in the Digital Services Act - Protecting Users and Consumers online), NJW 2024, 1609 - 1615, NJW 2024, 1609 - beck-online
- "Autonomes" Schaffen einer KI und Uhreberrecht in der US-amerikanischen Rechtsprechung. Anmerkung zur Entscheidung des D. C. District Court in der Rs. Thaler v. Perlmutter et al. ("Autonomous" creation of an AI and copyright in US case law. Comment on the decision of the D.C. District Court in Thaler v. Perlmutter et al.), GRUR (Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht) 2024, 260 - 263, available at GRUR 2024, 260 - beck-online
- Vertrauen als Topos der Regulierung vertrauenswürdiger Hinweisgeber im Digital Services Act (Trust as a topos of platform regulation: trusted flaggers in the Digital Services Act), UFITA (Archiv für Medienrecht und Medienwissenschaft) 2022, published 2023, 328 - 351, available at UFITA Archiv für Medienrecht und Medienwissenschaft - Nomos eLibrary (
- Understanding and Regulating AI-powered Recommender Systems, in: Genovesi/Kaesling/Scott, Recommender Systems: Legal and Ethical Issues, The International Library of Ethics, Law and Technology, Berlin/Heidelberg 2023, 1 - 9, OPEN ACCESS: Recommender Systems: Legal and Ethical Issues |SpringerLink
A Rights-Based Approach to Children’s Digital Participation in the Multi-Level System of the European Union, in: Dethloff/Kaesling/Specht-Riemenschneider (eds.), Digital Transformation of Law and Society: Comparative Perspectives on Families and New Media, 2023, 73 - 110, OPEN ACCESS: A Rights-Based Approach to Children’s Digital Participation in the Multi-Level System of the European Union | SpringerLink
Rainbow Families on Social Media - Diversity and Plurality as Matter of Platform Regulation, in: Dethloff/Kaesling, Between Sexuality, Gender & Reproduction: On the Pluralization of Family Forms, Cambridge 2023, 227 - 252, Between Sexuality, Gender and Reproduction - Intersentia
From Marriage to Family: Plurality of Family Forms from a Comparative Perspective, in: Dethloff/Kaesling, Between Sexuality, Gender & Reproduction: On the Pluralization of Family Forms, Cambridge 2023, 1 - 24, OPEN ACCESS: Between Sexuality, Gender and Reproduction - Intersentia (with Nina Dethloff und Felix Leven)
Verantwortung und Haftung für "Künstliche Intelligenz" zwischen Technik und Recht (Responsibility and Liability for "Artificial Intelligence" between Technology and Law), special publication of NJW and the German Jurists' Conference, September 2022, 12 - 13
- Intelligente Verträge, intelligente Nutzer? Die Unveränderbarkeit bei Smart Contracts und der Schutz vulnerabler Gruppen (Smart Contracts, Smart Users? Immutability in Smart Contracts and the Protection of Vulnerable Groups), in: Buck-Heeb/Oppermann (eds.), Automatisierte Systeme, C.H. Beck München 2022, 139 - 154
- Datenmündigkeit Minderjähriger in Europa (Data Maturity of Minors in Europe), in: Nolte/Fischer/Senftleben et al., Gestaltung der Informationsrechtsordnung (Shaping the Information Law Order), commemorative publication for Thomas Dreier on his 65th birthday, Munich 2022, 537 - 552 (with Nina Dethloff)
- Persönlich, familiär oder öffentlich? Grenzverschiebungen im Datenschutz- und Kunsturheberrecht am Beispiel des Sharenting (Personal, familial or public? Boundary Shifts in Data Protection and Art Copyright Law Using the Example of Sharing Children's Images on Social Networks), in: Croon-Gestefeld et al., Das Private im Privatrecht, Jahrbuch junge Zivilrechtswissenschaft (Yearbook Young Civil Law Scholars), Baden-Baden 2022, 151- 173
- The Making of Citizens: Democracy and Children’s Rights in Digital Spheres, in: Neuberger/Friesike/Krzywdzinski/Eiermann, Proceedings of the Weizenbaum Conference 2021 Democracy in Flux: Order, Dynamics and Voices in Digital Public Spheres, 2021, DOI: 10.34669/wi.cp/3.17, 67- 71
- Evolution statt Revolution der Plattformregulierung - Kommentar zu dem Entwurf der Europäischen Kommission zu einem Digital Services Act (Evolution, not Revolution of Platform Regulation - Commentary on the European Commission's Draft Digital Services Act), ZUM (Zeitschrift für Urheber- und Medienrecht) Issue 3/2021, 177 - 184
- Children’s Digital Rights: Realizing the Potential of the CRC, in: Laufer-Ukeles/Marrus (eds.), Global Reflections on Children’s Rights and the Law: 30 Years After the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child, Routledge London 2021, Chapter 14, 183 - 196
- Umsetzung der urheberrechtlichen Verantwortlichkeit von Upload-Plattformen: Gestaltung eines nutzerzentrierten Anreizschemas (Implementing copyright responsibility of upload platforms: Designing a User-Centered Incentive Scheme), MMR (MultiMedia und Recht: Zeitschrift für IT-Recht und Recht der Digitalisierung) 2021, 11 - 15 (with Jakob Knapp)
- „Massenkreativität“ in sozialen Netzwerken – Überlegungen zur Plattformverantwortlichkeit nach der DSM-Richtlinie ("Mass Creativity" in Social Networks - Reflections on Platform Responsibility under the DSM-Directive), MMR (MultiMedia und Recht: Zeitschrift für IT-Recht und Recht der Digitalisierung) 2020, 816 - 821 (with Jakob Knapp)
- Verbindlichkeit, Verbundenheit, Verantwortung – Das Eheversprechen nach dem Ende von Ehe und Liebe (Commitment, attachment, responsibility – On the Marriage Vow when Marriage and Love end), in: Albers/Harst/Kaesling, Wortgebunden: Die Verbindlichkeit von Versprechen in Recht und Literatur, Frankfurt 2021, 261 - 298
- Fesseln der Begierde: Zwei Versprechen zur Einleitung (Shackles of Desire: Two Promises for the Introduction), in: Albers/Harst/Kaesling, Wortgebunden: Die Verbindlichkeit von Versprechen in Recht und Literatur, Frankfurt am Main 2021, 7 - 25 (with Gregor Albers and Joachim Harst)
- Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation and Parenthood - Family Law Lagging Behind, in: Brinig (eds.), International Survey of Family Law, Intersentia, Cambridge 2020, 135 - 147 (with Nina Dethloff and Caroline Tiefenbach)
- EU-Urheberrechtsnovelle – Untergang des Internets? (EU Copyright Amendment – The Internet's Demise?), JZ (JuristenZeitung) 2019, 586 - 591
- The Recognition of Religious Private Divorces in Europe – From Conflict of Laws to Conflict of Cultures?, in: Boele-Woelki/Martiny, Pluralism and Diversity of Family Relations in Europe, Cambridge 2019, 257 - 284
- Spousal Support After Divorce in Germany, 41 Hous. J. Int’l L. (Houston Journal of International Law) 543 (2019) - Volume 41, Issue 3, Houston Journal of International Law 2019, 543 - 581
- Religiöse Ehe, zivilrechtliche Folgen? Zur „Anerkennung“ islamischer Ehen als nichtig durch den High Court of England and Wales (Religious Marriage, Civil Law Consequences? On the "recognition" of Islamic marriages as void by the High Court of England and Wales), StAZ (Zeitschrift für Standesamtswesen, Familienrecht, Staatsangehörigkeitsrecht, Personenstandsrecht, internationales Privatrecht des In- und Auslands) 2019, 102 - 105
- Privatisation of Law Enforcement in Social Networks: A Comparative Model Analysis, Erasmus Law Review 3/2018, 151 - 164, OPEN ACCESS: 3 2018 · Erasmus Law Review · Erasmus Law Review
- Kindesunterhalt und Wechselmodell – Eine vergleichende Perspektive (Child Maintenance and Alternating Model - A Comparative Perspective), FamRZ (Zeitschrift für das gesamte Familienrecht) 2018, 73 - 78 (with Nina Dethloff)
- Anmerkung zum Urteil des Europäischen Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte vom 26.10.2017 – 28475/12 - Ratzenböck und Seydl/Österreich (Comment on the judgement of the European Court of Human Rights of 26.10.2017 – 28475/12 – Ratzenböck and Seydl/Austria), NZFam (Neue Zeitschrift für Familienrecht) 2018, 17 - 18
- Country Report Germany: Law Reforms in Abundance, in: Brinig (eds.), International Survey of Family Law, Intersentia, Cambridge, Antwerpen, Chicago 2018, 211 - 220 (with Nina Dethloff)
- Die Neuregelung der missbräuchlichen Vaterschaftsanerkennung und das Wohl des Kindes (The new regulation of abusive paternity acknowledgment and the best interests of the child), NJW (Neue Juristische Wochenschrift) 2017, 3686 - 3691
- Urheberrechtswidrigkeit privaten Streamens aufgrund Unionsrechts (Copyright infringement of private streaming under EU Law), BRJ 2/2017 (Bonner Rechtsjournal), 139 - 142
- Immaterieller Schadensersatz im Zugewinnausgleich der deutsch-französischen Wahlzugewinngemeinschaft (Immaterial damages in the equalisation of gains of the German-French elective joint gain community), NZFam 2014 (Neue Zeitschrift für Familienrecht), 631 - 636 (with Christian Erger)
- Family Life and EU Citizenship: The Discovery of the Substance of the EU Citizen’s Rights and its Genuine Enjoyment, in: Boele-Woelki/Dethloff/Gephart (eds.), Family Law and Culture in Europe: Developments, Challenges and Opportunities, Cambridge 2014, 293 - 304
- The European Patent with Unitary Effect – a Unitary Patent Protection for a Unitary Market?, (2013) 2 UCL JLJ (UCL Journal of Law and Jurisprudence), 87 - 111
Encyclopaedia articles
- Lexikonartikel zu „Scheidung, staatlich“, „Trauung, staatlich“, „Verlobung, staatlich“ und „Volljährigkeit, staatlich“ (Encyclopaedia articles on "divorce, state", "marriage, state" and "legal age of majority, state", in: von Droege/de Wall/Hallermann/Meckel (eds.), Lexikon für Kirchen- und Religionsrecht (LKKR), 4. volume, Paderborn 2021
- Lexikonartikel zu „Lebensgemeinschaft, nichteheliche, staatlich“, „Lebenspartnerschaft, staatlich“, „Personenstandsgesetz, staatlich“ und „Polygamie, staatlich“ (Encyclopaedia article on "cohabiting union, state", "civil partnership, state", "civil status law, state", "polygamy, state"), in: von Droege/de Wall/Hallermann/Meckel (eds.), Lexikon für Kirchen- und Religionsrecht (LKKR), 3. volume, Paderborn 2020
Book Reviews and Conference Reports
- Review Paul Klimpel, Kulturelles Erbe digital (Digital Cultural Heritage) (ed. by digiS, Forschungs- und Kompetenzzentrum Digitalisierung Berlin), MMR-Aktuell (MultiMedia und Recht: Zeitschrift für IT-Recht und Recht der Digitalisierung - aktuell) 2021, 442059
- Review Evelyn Höbenreich, Marianne Webers ‘Ehefrau und Mutter in der Rechtsentwicklung’. Beziehungsmodelle zwischen römischem Recht und deutscher Kodifizierung (Marianne Webers ‘Wife and Mother in the Development of Law’. Relationship Models between Roman Law and German Codification) (Lecce: Edizioni Griffo, 2018), in: Max Weber Studies 2021, Vol. 21, No. 1 (January 2021), 129 - 132
- The 5th Meeting of the Commission on European Family Law 2013 (Conference Report), ZEuP 2014 (Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht), 673 - 676 (with Kathrin Kroll-Ludwigs)
Didactical Contributions
- "Tod in der Ferne": Schwerpunktklausur Internationales Privatrecht (Familienrecht/ Erbrecht) (“Death in the Distance”: Exam Private International Law – Family Law/ Inheritance Law), JURA (Juristische Ausbildung) 2023, 72 - 79 (with Felix Leven)
- Wissenschaftliches Schreiben lehren (Teaching Scientific Writing), ZDRW (Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Rechtswissenschaft) 3/2020, 268 - 277
Patent Law and its Role for Innovative Business Models, Opening Lecture International Excite Summer School “Patents in Search of New Business”, 25. August 2024, Hoyerswerda (with Jörn Block)
Preliminary Injunctions and Patent Validity before the UPC – Continuation of National Legal Cultures in the UPC System?, Perspectives from in- and outside
the new EU Patent System - A Critical Inventory on the Occasion of its One Year Anniversary, International Conference Dresden-Prague 2024, Dresden, 19 June 2024
EU Digital Legal Landscape: Das Big Picture der EU-Digitalstrategie, (EU Digital Legal Landscape: The Big Picture of the EU Digital Strategy) Digital Legal Academy 2024, 16 April 2024
(Personalizing) Explainability and “the Law”, CeTI-Workshop „Personalizing Explainability: What information for whom?", 7 March 2024, Dresden
Managing Systemic Risks in the EU: Brussels Effects of Article 34 DSA?, The DSA and Platform Regulation Conference 2024, Amsterdam Law School (University of Amsterdam), The DSA and Platform Regulation Conference 2024 - DSA Observatory (, Amsterdam, 15 February 2024
Children’s Rights and Special Legal Requirements - From the General Data Protection Regulation to the Digital Services Act, Thinkshop "Dark Patterns & Generational Divides: Information System Design for Younger and Older Internet Users", Interdisciplinary Thinkshop as part of the TuDiSC Project DESIGNATE (Disruption on the Internet: More Sovereignty towards Deceptive Technologies), Dresden, 11 December 2023
Myths of Creativity and Intellectual Property Law: Beyond Digital Transformations, 4. TUDiSC Verbundtagung "Myths of Disruption. Programs, Narratives, and Utopias of Future Innovations", Dresden, 6 December 2023
- Potentiale und urheberrechtliche Lösungsmöglichkeiten der Mensch-Maschine-Kombinationen (Potentials and copyright solutions for human-machine combinations), IUM-Symposion "Generative K.I. und das Urheberrecht – Eine komplizierte Beziehung" (Generative A.I. and copyright - a complicated relationship), Munich, 10 November 2023
Update zum Recht der Daten, insbesondere Data Act, GRUR (German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property and Copyright ) Annual Meeting 2023, Mannheim, 28 September 2023
- A Comparative Law Approach to Risk Assessment in Platform Regulation, Project Workshop as Part of the DFG-Project "Comparative Perspectives on Platform Regulation in the EU and Korea", European Legal Studies Institute, Osnabrück, 17 July 2023
- Demokratisierung durch Privat(rechts)verhältnis? (Democratization through private (legal) relations), CeTI-Workshop „Demokratisierung und das Internet of Skills“ (Democratization and the Internet of Skills), 15. Juni 2023, Dresden
- The Digital Services Act: a Game Changer for Platform Liability?, International Conference on Platform Liability, Charles University Prague, 12 June 2023
- Sustainability, European Values and the Digital Services Act: Implementing the Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence in Platform Regulation, Sustainable AI Conference 2023: Sustainable AI Across Borders, Institute for Science and Ethics, University of Bonn, Bonn, 30 May 2023
Gefahr für die Demokratie? Die EU und die sozialen Medien (Danger for the Democracy? The EU and social media), lecture series "What future does Europe have - Discussion on 30 years of the European Union", organized by the Institute for International Law, Intellectual Property and Technology Law of the TU Dresden and the Centre for International Studies of the TU Dresden in cooperation with the Saxon State Agency for Civic Education (Sächsische Landeszentrale für politische Bildung) and the Political Education Forum Saxony of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (Politisches Bildungsforum Sachsen der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung), Dresden, Stadtmuseum, 15 November 2022
Neues EU-Recht – was wirkt sich im IT-Recht aus? Neuerungen durch DSA, DMA, DGA, CRA und AI Act, Vortrag im Rahmen der Kölner Tage IT-Recht 2023, Cologne, 9 March 2023
- Verantwortung und Haftung für "Künstliche Intelligenz" zwischen Technik und Recht, Preliminary Event Deutscher Juristentag (Association of German Jurists) 2022, Oberlandesgericht (Higher Regional Court) Cologne, 12 September 2022
- Introduction into Patent Law, ELSA Dresden Law School: Intellectual Property, Dresden, 7. September 2022
- Vertrauenswürdige Hinweisgeber im DSA-Vorschlag (Trusted Flaggers in the Proposal for a Digital Services Act), Lecture as Part of the Workshop „Vertrauen als Topos der Plattformregulierung“, online/ Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 3 March 2022
- Invisible Heroes? Inequality and Algorithmic Recommendation Systems on Online Platforms, Lecture presented as Part of the Science Slam of the Research Day of the Young College of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and Arts on the Topic “(In)Equality? Forms – Causes – Consequences”, 26 January 2022
- EU Privatrecht und Kinderrechte in Online-Umgebungen mit sozialen Robotern (European Private Law and Children's Rights in Online Environments with Social Robots), Lecture Series Private Law, Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence, University of Münster, 17 January 2022
- Regulating Algorithmic Recommender Systems on Online Platforms, Introductory Lecture as Part of the Conference “Recommender Systems: Legal and Ethical Issues”, Center for Science and Thought, University of Bonn, 9 December 2021
- Nutzer:innenrechte im neuen Urheberrechts-Diensteanbieter-Gesetz (UrhDaG) (User Rights in the New Copyright Service Providers Act (UrhDaG)), DGRI (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Recht und Informatik e.V. – German Society for Law and Informatics), Conference 2021 “Daten, Plattformen, Ökonomie”, online/ Leipzig, 25 November 2021
- Family Representation as Part of Online Mass-Creativity on Social Networks, Lecture as Part of the International Conference “Between Sexuality, Gender & Reproduction: On the Pluralization of Family Forms”, online/ Käte Hamburger Center “Law as Culture”, University of Bonn, 18 November 2021
- Persönlich, familiär oder öffentlich? Grenzverschiebungen im Datenschutz- und Kunsturheberrecht am Beispiel des Teilens von Kinderbildern auf sozialen Netzwerken (Personal, Familial or Public? Boundary Shifts in Data Protection and Art Copyright Law Using the Example of Sharing Children's Images on Social Networks), Conference of the Gesellschaft Junge Zivilrechtswissenschaft (Society of Young Civil Law Scholars) (gjz) „Das Private im Privatrecht“, Hamburg, 27 August 2021
- EU Private International Law and Digital Sovereignty: Data Protection, AI and Underlying EU Policies, Conference “Digital Fragmentations and Digital Sovereignty”, Center for Advanced Security, Strategic and Integration Studies (CASSIS), University of Bonn, 17 September 2021
- Schriftwerke 2.0: Nutzergenierte Inhalte zwischen Urheberrecht und Netzkultur (Written Works 2.0: User-generated Content between Copyright and Net Culture), Lecture as Part of the Lecture Series “Zwischen Recht und Literatur / Between Law and Literature” of the SFB 1385 “Recht und Literatur”, University of Osnabrück, 7 July 2021
- Das Paradigma der Unveränderbarkeit bei smart contracts: Zusammenspiel von Recht, Technik und Ökonomie, EBS Universität Wiesbaden, 25 June 2021
- § 90 BGB und der Wandel des Sachbegriffs: Kryptotoken, elektronische Wertpapiere und Sachen mit digitalen Elementen, FU Berlin, 19 April 2021
- The Use Case Study of CORP, a Collaborative Online Robotics Platform, ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2021) – 16th Annual Conference for Basic and Applied Human-Robot Interaction Research, 8 March 2021 (with Jordi Albo-Canals, Denise Amran, Juan Martinez Otero, Ruggero G. Pensa and Olga Sans-Cope)
- Children’s Social Interactions in the Digital World: Social Media and Smart Toys, Panel “Children’s Rights in the Digital Environment: Risks, Opportunities, and Responsibilities”, organized by LiderLab, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna di Pisa, as Part of the Conference “Computers, Privacy and Data Protection” (CPDP), online/ Brussels, 28 January 2021
- Protection and Participation of Children Online: A Rights-based Approach, Lecture as Part of the Workshop “Digital Transformation of Law and Society: Families and New Media”, Käte Hamburger Center “Law as Culture”, University of Bonn, 4 February 2020
- Children’s Digital Rights: User Generated Online Content and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, Lecture as Part of the ISFL (International Society of Family Law) Regional Conference “Children's Rights and Interests”, The Academic College of Law and Science, Hod HaSharon, Israel, 10 December 2019
- The Child in German IT Law, Lecture as Part of the Conference “Família e Vulnerabilidade na Era Digital (Family and Vulnerability in the Digital Era)”, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal, 11 November 2019
- The Making of Citizens: Democracy and Children’s Rights in Digital Spheres, Lecture as Part of the Weizenbaum Conference “Democracy in Flux – Order, Dynamics and Voices in Digital Public Spheres”, Weizenbaum-Institut für die vernetzte Gesellschaft, online/ Berlin, 17 June 2021
- Internationales Privatrecht als Mittel der Regulierung im digitalen Zeitalter (Private International Law as a Means of Regulation in the Digital Age), Lecture by Invitation of the Bonn-Kreuzberg Rotary Club, Bonn, 12 July 2021
- Juristische Aspekte von Elternschaft und Kindeswohl bei assistierter Reproduktion (Legal Aspects of Parenthood and Child Welfare in Assisted Reproduction), Lecture as Part of the Annual Conference of the Deutsche Liga für das Kind „Ein Kind und viele Eltern – das Kindeswohl im Kontext genetischer, biologischer, rechtlicher und sozialer Elternschaft“ (German League for the Child “One Child and Many Parents – The Best Interests of the Child in the Context of Genetic, Biological, Legal and Social Parenthood”), Berlin, 25 October 2019
- Impulse Statement “AI Society: Public Security, Cyber Crime and Safety Concerns”, International Security Forum Bonn 2019 of the Center for International Security and Governance (CISG)/ Center for Advanced Security, Strategic and Integrations Studies (CASSIS) of the University of Bonn in cooperation with the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies (AICGS) of the John Hopkins University, Special Focus Day on Cyber Security & Artificial Intelligence, 2 October 2019
- Law and Religion in Private International Law – Reconciling Migrants’ Rights and Domestic Value Systems, Lecture as Part of the International Law Association Regional Conference, Panel 8 Migration and the Changing Business Environment, Portorož, Slowenien, 29 June 2019
- From Conflict of Laws to Conflict of Cultures? The Recognition of Religious Private Divorces in Europe, Lecture as Part of the 6th Conference of the Commission on European Family Law “Pluralism and Diversity of Family Relations in Europe”, Bucerius Law School, Hamburg, 2 November 2018
- Codified Conditions vs. Judicial Discretion in Family Law: What Codification Means for the Adaptation of Maintenance Law to Social Change, Lecture as Part of the 5th Biennial Conference of the European Society for Comparative Legal History (ESCLH) “Laws Across Codes and Laws Decoded”, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France, 30 June 2018
- Digitalisierung als Chance für die Europäische Union (Digitisation as Opportunity for the European Union), Lecture as Part of the Alumni-Meeting of the German Academic Exchange Services (DAAD), Legal Scholars „Europa ist mehr als ein Binnenmarkt“ (“Europe is More than the Internal Market”), Brussels, Belgium, 29 April 2018
- Das Eheversprechen – Rechtliche Verbindlichkeit nach dem Ende von Liebe und Ehe (The Marriage Vow – Legal Commitment after the End of Love and Marriage), Lecture as Part of the Conference „Geschäfte und Liebesschwüre: Verbindlichkeit von Versprechen in Recht und Literatur“ (“Contracts and Vows of Love: Commitment of Promises in Law and Literature”) of the Käte Hamburger Center “Law as Culture” in cooperation with the Fritz Thyssen-Stiftung für Wissenschaftsförderung, Bonn, Germany, 26 April 2018
- Privatizing Law Enforcement in Social Networks: A Comparative Model Analysis, Lecture as Part of the PILAR Conference 2018 “New Business Models and Globalized Markets: Rethinking Public and Private Responsibilities”, School of Law and School of Management of the Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus Initiative ‘Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity’, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 12 April 2018
- Nachehelicher Betreuungsunterhalt und alternative Kinderbetreuungsmodelle (Post-marital Childcare Maintenance and Alternative Childcare Models), Lecture as Part of the 3rd Junior Workshop in Family Law , Basel University Law Faculty, Basel, Switzerland, 4 December 2014
- La pension alimentaire après divorce à l’épreuve du temps (Post-marital Support over the Course of Time), Lecture at the Centre de droit de la famille (Centre for Family Law), Universität Jean Moulin III, Lyon, France, 13 May 2014
- “Family Life and EU Citizenship: The Discovery of the Substance of the EU Citizen’s Rights and its Genuine Enjoyment”, Lecture as Part of the 5th Conference of the Commission on European Family Law “Family Law in Europe: New Developments, Challenges and Opportunities Law”, Bonn, Germany, 30 August 2013
Contributions to Blogs, Newsletters and Other Formats
- Interview zu Künstlicher Intelligenz und Patentrecht im Rahmen des Podcast "Alles im grünen Bereich?" (Interview on artificial intelligence and patent law as part of the podcast "Everything in the green?"), Podcast project in cooperation with the University Dresden Podcast im Podcast-Projekt Alles im grünen Bereich? — Professur für Bürgerliches Recht, Immaterialgüterrecht, insb. Urheberrecht, sowie Medien- und Datenschutzrecht — TU Dresden (
- Interview im Rahmen des Podcast „Kreativität vs. Urheberrecht“ (“Creativity vs. Copyright”), available at
- Umsetzung der Plattformverantwortlichkeit in der EU: Nationale Rechtskulturen statt digitaler Binnenmarkt? (Implementation of Platform Responsibility in the EU: National Legal Cultures Instead of Digital Single Market?), GRUR-Newsletter (Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht - Newsletter) 2/2020 (December 2020), available at
- In den USA zu Gast und in der Welt zu Hause – Erfahrungsbericht Verwaltungsstation bei der Deutschen Botschaft in Washington, D.C., . (Guest in the U.S.A, at Home in the World – Report on the Legal Traineeship as Part of the Referendariat in the German Embassy in Washington D.C.), JuS (Juristische Schulung) 12/2016, p. 26 - p. 28
- Dem Kind ein Vater, dem Vater ein Aufenthaltsrecht? – Zur Prävention missbräuchlicher Vaterschaftsanerkennungen nach § 1597a BGB und § 85a AufenthG, (A Father for the Child, a Right of Residence for the Father? – On the Prevention of Fraudulent Acknowledgements of Paternity under § 1597a BGB and § 85a AufenthG), Blog Contribution to, 9 August 2018, available at
- Foundation Prize 2017 of the Institute for Fundamental Research in Family Law (Stiftungspreis des Instituts für familienrechtliche Grundlagenforschung - Gerd Brudermüller Stiftung), 2017
- Scholarship “Bourse de Séjour Scientifique de Haut Niveau” from the French Government for a Research Stay at the National Library of France, Site François Mitterrand, Paris, 2017
- Department of Law Best Doctoral Thesis Award 2017, (Promotionspreis des Fachbereichs Rechtswissenschaft) University of Bonn, 2017
- French Republic’s Young Academic Award for the University of Bonn’s 2016/2017 Academic Year, 2016
- Scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for a Research Stay at the Centre de Droit de la famille, University Lyon 3, 2014
- Scholarship from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research for LL.M. Studies, 2011
- Scholarship from the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, 2007 - 2010
E-Learning Representative of the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science
Member of the Admission Committee according to the aptitude assessment regulations of the study program International Studies in Intellectual Property and Data Law
Member of the Examination Board of the Master's Program International Studies in Intellectual Property and Data Law, Master of Laws in Economic Law and Bachelor of Laws "Law in Context"
Member of the Scientific Boeard of the Center for Open Digital Innovation and Participation (CODIP)
- Member of the Board of Trustees of the German Foundation for Law and Information Technology (Deutsche Stiftung für Recht und Informatik - DSRI)
- Member of the Board of the Research Centre for Legal Issues of New Technologies and Data Law (ForTech) e.V. since 2021, Scientific Director since September 2024
- Czech-German Conference, "Perspectives from in- and outside the new EU Patent System, 19 June 2024, IRGET, TUD Dresden University of Technology (with Petra Žikovská and Tomáš Dobřichovský)
- CeTI-Workshop „Personalizing Explainability: What information for whom?", 7. März 2024, TUD University of Technology Dresden (with Verena Klös and Merle Fairhurst)
- "Dark Patterns & Generational Divides: Information System Design for Younger and Older Internet Users", Interdisciplinary Thinkshop as part of the TuDiSC Project DESIGNATE (Disruption on the Internet: More Sovereignty towards Deceptive Technologies), 11 December 2023, TUD University of Technology Dresden (with Anne Lauber-Rönsberg, Sebastian Pannasch and Thorsten Strufe)
- CeTI-Workshop „Democratizing Effects of the Tactile Internet", 15 and 16 June 2023, Dresden (with Jens Krzywinski and Konstanze Möller-Jansen)
- Czech-German Conference, "Liability of Online Platforms“, 12 June 2023, Karls-University Prag (with Petra Žikovská)
- 4. IPR-Nachwuchstagung (Young PIL) 2023 „Deference of the foreign - empty phrase or guiding principle of private international law?", 23 and 24 February 2023, SFU Wien (with Florian Heindler, Martina Melcher, Andreas Engel, Ben Köhler, Bettina Rentsch, Susanna Roßbach and Johannes Ungerer)
- 7. Conference GRUR Junge Wissenschaft 2022 „Intellectual Property and Media in the Internal Market: Europeanization of Law and its Limits“, 24 and 25 June 2022, Universitätsforum Bonn (with Anna K. Bernzen and Karina Grisse)
- „Recommender Systems – Legal and Ethical Issues”, 9 and 10 December 2021, Center for Science and Thought, Universität Bonn (with Sergio Genovesi and Scott Robbins)
- "Between Sexuality, Gender & Reproduction: On the Pluralization of Family Forms”, Käte Hamburger Kolleg “Recht als Kultur”, 17 and 18 November 2021, Universität Bonn (with Nina Dethloff)
- “Digital Transformation in Law and Society: Comparative Perspectives on Families and New Media”, 3 and 4 February 2020, Käte Hamburger Kolleg “Recht als Kultur”, Universität Bonn (with Nina Dethloff and Louisa Specht-Riemenschneider)
- „Business Transactions and Vows of Love: Commitment in Law and Literature", 25 and 26 April 2018, Universität Bonn (with Gregor Albers and Joachim Harst), sponsored by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation
- Lecture series "Young Forum 'Law as Culture'" (Series of lectures in the form of luncheon talks to promote interdisciplinary exchange among young researchers), 2017-2022 (from 2017 – 2019 with Susanne Gössl), Universität Bonn
- Lecture series "Women's Paths to Academia“ as part of the Justitia Program of the University of Bonn (2018-2022, with Louisa Specht-Riemenschneider, Scarlett Jansen, Anna K. Bernzen and Katja Chandna-Hoppe)