Das Foto zeigt eine Stapel Bücher aus der Bibliothek zum Thema Handel und Finanzen. Sie liegen übereinander auf einem Tisch. © Amac Garbe

Teaching at the Chair of Comparative Cultural Studies and Qualitative Research (Sociology)

The courses of the Chair are designed as subject matter-oriented empirical analyses of sociological theories and methods. In addition to classical receptive forms of appropriation and discussion of texts, targeted forms of learning are stimulated which enable understanding through practice and experience. These may be smaller practical exercises, field research units or joint interpretation of data. If possible, courses at an advanced level of study are linked to ongoing research projects of the Chair, so that students not only gain insights into real research processes, but can also make their own research contributions. Research workshops and the Research Colloquium are of particular importance, as they provide students and doctoral candidates with professional guidance and mutual support for the realisation of their own research work.

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Important topics at a glance

 Das Foto zeigt drei Studierende in einem vollen Hörsaal. Sie sitzen nebeneinander und schauen gemeinsam in ein Notebook. © Amac Garbe