Since November 2019, Susann Wagenknecht has been Junior Professor of Micro-Sociology and Techno-Social Interaction at the Institute of Sociology of TU Dresden.
The Junior Professorship focuses on basic micro-sociological research in a way that places particular emphasis on social science research into technology and on addressing the technological challenges of the present. Digitalisation and the energy transition, for example, are complex projects that are being shaped in tense collaborations - and which will bring about far-reaching social changes in the coming years.
Against this backdrop, the Junior Professorship investigates what people do with and against each other, and how they use and are used by the techniques and technologies in doing so. The Junior Professorship understands 'technology' as relational - as a reference that refers back to artefacts, bodies, and materials in a special way: it uses them and wears them out, but it also repairs, maintains, designs, tests, and destroys them; it confronts them as nature, consumes them as a resource, or wears them out as infrastructure.