Apr 20, 2023
24/7 – Final presentation and performance by Esmeralda Conde Ruiz, Schaufler Residency@TU Dresden 2022, at HELLERAU - European Center for the ArtsLecture "Human perception and its importance for sound design", Prof. Dr. Ercan Altinsoy
This live companion piece to 24/7’s subterranean installation draws upon the themes explored during Esmeralda Conde Ruiz's residency at the Schaufler Lab@TU Dresden in 2022. The event features a range of vocal performances, which react to the site-specific environment created within the Great Hall at HELLERAU.
Utilising this additional space within HELLERAU calls to question the public face of data storage, what do we know about our data and what is hidden from us? What can we see clearly and what exists in spaces not usually visible? This event continues a conversation, about what is private and what is public within our digital worlds. By presenting within the Great Hall Conde Ruiz continues her play upon the architecture of HELLERAU's spaces and their acoustical differences. As the finale to 24/7, this live performance brings 24/7 above ground and attempts to make visible the hidden side of our human data storage.