Professorin Dr. Cornelia Wächter

NameProf. Dr. Cornelia Wächter
Inhaberin der Professur
Employment History
10/2021-present |
Professor of British Cultural Studies, Dresden University of Technology |
03/2021-09/2021 |
Professor of Literary and Cultural Studies, University of Paderborn |
05/2016-02/2021 | Assistant Professor (Juniorprofessorin) of British Cultural Studies, Ruhr University Bochum |
03/2010-09/2014 | Assistant Professor (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin) of English, University of Paderborn |
04/2012-03/2013 and 05/2009-02/2010 |
Assistant Professor (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin) of English, Bielefeld University |
04/2013 | Doctor of Philosophy (summa cum laude), Thesis: The ‚Warder‘ Within: Prison Officer Stereotypes and Their Deconstruction in British Literature (University of Paderborn) |
03/2009 | Master of Arts, British and American Studies (Bielefeld University) Thesis: Institutional Places and Individual Spaces in the Contemporary British Novel |
05/2006 |
Bachelor of Arts, British and American Studies, Pedagogy (Bielefeld University) |
11/2015 | Britcult Award, German Association for the Study of British Cultures for the dissertation The ‚Warder‘ Within: Prison Officer Stereotypes and Their Deconstruction in British Literature |
01/2014 | Doctoral Dissertation Award (Preis für ausgezeichnete Dissertationen), University of Paderborn |
02/2016 | Academic Advisor: „TPS and Paderborn University Meet Suzan-Lori Parks.“ New Works & New Ideas. Department of Theatre and Performance Studies, Kennesaw State University, Atlanta |
05/2015-present | Editorial Board: Spatial Practices (Brill) |
07-09/2012 | Guest Researcher, Centre for Research in Media and Cultural Studies, University of Sunderland |
08-12/2011 | Guest Researcher, Durham University |
Volunteer Work
12/2010-04/2017 | Justizvollzugsanstalt Herford: drama, film and television projects with young offenders |
01/2015-present | Cash Auditor, Association for the Support of Young Offenders (Verein für Straffälligenhilfe) |
Book Series
Jarmila Mildorf, Elisabeth Punzi, Christoph Singer and Cornelia Wächter, editors. Narratives and Mental Health. Brill.
11/2019: Metropolitan Masculinities
Metropolitan MasculinitiesRuhr University Bochum
with Heike Steinhoff (Ruhr University Bochum)
06/2019: The Material and Immaterial Heritage of Psychiatry
The Material and Immaterial Heritage of PsychiatryUniversity of Gothenburg
with Elisabeth Punzi (Gothenburg, Department of Psychology and Centre for Critical Heritage Studies), Christoph Singer (Paderborn, Department of English), Nika Söderlund (Gothenburg, Department of Social work), and Frida Wikström (Gothenburg, Department of Historical Studies).
09/2018: Rethinking Confinement: Captive Bodies Beyond Foucauldian Theory
Rethinking Confinement: Captive Bodies Beyond Foucauldian TheorySektion, Anglistentag 2018, Bonn
with Marcus Hartner (Universität Bielefeld)
06/2017: Complicity and the Politics of Representation
Complicity and the Politics of RepresentationBahnhof Langendreer,
with Robert Wirth (University of Paderborn)
funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)
12/2012: Captivity and Culpability: The Disciplining Subject in the Literary and Cultural Imagination
London, Senate House,
with Alex Adams (Newcastle University),
funded by Human Rights Consortium, University of London
09/2012: Space and Place in Middlebrow: 1900-1950
London, Senate House,
with Christoph Ehland, Kate Macdonald and Christoph Singer
09/2011: The Popular Imagination and the Dawn of Modernism
London, Senate House,
with Christoph Ehland, Kate Macdonald and Christoph Singer
Invited Presentations and Lectures
12/2018: “Queer Modernism and the Construction of Gender and Sexuality.” Lecture Series Gender Fictions: What’s Sex(y) Now? University of Cologne.
09/2018: “Wie werden Straftäterinnen in den Medien dargestellt?” Blue Square Anniversary, Ruhr University Bochum.
01/2018: (‘Keynote’): “‘Some Fashions in Love’: Victoria Cross and the Contestation of Compulsory Monogamy”. Deconstructing Love: The Poetics of a Feeling. A Student Conference. Bielefeld University.
03/2017: “Complicity and the Politics of Representation”. Lecture Series organised by Brighton University’s Philosophy Society.
12/2016: “Complicity and Transgender Politics”. The Politics of Sex and Gender. Lecture Series organised by The Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics, University of Brighton.
05/2015: with Kate Macdonald (Gent): “Middlebrow Fiction, Cultural Capital and Social Change”. International Conference: Literature and Cultural Change, Justus-Liebig Universität Giessen/GCSC.
12/2014: “Ausbruch aus den Stereotypen: Justizvollzugsbeamte in der (britischen) Literatur”. Biographisches Projekt: Aus der Gefängniszelle, Dr. Bernhard Doppler, Universität Paderborn.
02/2014: “Stereotypisierung von Justizvollzugsbeamten in der britischen Literatur”. Mitarbeitervollversammlung, Justizvollzugsanstalt Herford.
Conference Presentations
12/2017: “Cloaks of (In)Visibility: European Cities’ Spaces of Inversion in British Literature of the Modernist Period”. The Paradigmatic City (III): Customs and Costumes. Università ca’ Foscari, Venezia.
06/2017: “Brexit and Its Repercussions for the LGBT+ Community”. Britain in Europe, Europe in Britain. University of Portsmouth.
05/2017: “Space, Embodiment and Prisoner Wellbeing in British Literature”. Spaces of Health and Wellbeing: Production, Usages, and Meaning. Gothenburg University.
03/2017: “Victoria Cross”. Imperial Middlebrow: Cross-Colonial Encounters and Expressions of Power in Middlebrow Literature and Culture, 1890-1940. University of Reading.
10/2016: “Paradigmatically Queer: Manchester’s Gay Village from Queer as Folk to Cucumber, Banana and Tofu”. Paradigmatic City (II), University of Budapest.
05/2016: “Waiting in Solitary Confinement: Dickens, Reade and Galsworthy”. Waiting as Cultural Practice, Universität Paderborn.
03/2015: “Loyalty or Complicity? The Moral Assessment of Silence in Jackie Kay’s Trumpet”. Complicity Conference, Conflict Cluster, University of Brighton.
10/2014: “Narrative Ethics and Ethnic Identities in Nadeem Aslam’s Maps for Lost Lovers”. Imagological Chronotopes: Emblems, Clichés, Stereotypes, University of Bucharest.
06/2014: “Internalised Heteronormativity and Suicide in E. M. Forster and Victoria Cross”. Homophobia Rewritten: New Literary and Cultural Perspectives on Violence and Sexuality, Birkbeck, University of London.
11/2013: “Social Deixis at the Heterotopian Border: Brendan Behan’s The Quare Fellow”. Person(s), Place(s), Time(s): Identity and Cultural Deixis, University of Bucharest.
10/2013: “Queering Prison Space in HBO’s Television Series OZ”. 16th Culture and Power Seminar: Spaces. Iberian Association for Cultural Studies, University of Murcia.
04/2012: “Crushed by the System: Alan Guthrie’s Slammer”. Paranoia & Pain: 1 – Impressions, Liverpool University.
09/2011: “A Quest for Home and/in Nature: The Subversion of Traditional (Domestic) Roles in Una Silberrad’s Desire (1908)”. The Popular Imagination and the Dawn of Modernism, University of London.
04/2011: “Place-ing the Prison Officer’s Voice”. Literary Dynamics of Place: Crossing, Settling, Circulation, Durham University, UK.
07/2009: “Clipped Wings: Migration and Mental Illness in Janet Frame’s Towards Another Summer”. Multiculturalism in the Americas / Multiculturalism in Britain: Comparative Perspectives, Bielefeld University.
07/2008: “The Possibilities and Limits of the Creation of Individual Spaces in One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest”. Cultidenticity, Bielefeld University.