
Inhaberin der Professur
NameProf. Dr. Orit Halpern
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Sekretariat Professur für Digital Cultures
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Orit Halpern is Full Professor and Chair of Digital Cultures at Technische Universität Dresden. Her work bridges the histories of science, computing, and cybernetics with design. She completed her Ph.D. at Harvard. She has held numerous visiting scholar positions including at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin, IKKM Weimar, and at Duke University. She is currently working on two projects. The first is a history of automation, intelligence, and freedom; the second project examines extreme infrastructures and the history of experimentation at planetary scales in design, science, and engineering.
She has also published widely in many venues including Critical Inquiry, Grey Room, and Journal of Visual Culture, and E-Flux. Her first book Beautiful Data: A History of Vision and Reason (Duke UP 2015) investigates histories of big data, design, and governmentality. Her newest book with Robert Mitchell (MIT Press January 2023) is titled the Smartness Mandate. The book is a genealogy of our current obsession with smart technologies and artificial intelligence.
Prof. Orit Halpern holds the Key Chair of Digital Cultures at the Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies and is the Speaker of the Disruption and Societal Change (TUDiSC) Concept Group. © TUD
Orit Halpern is also the Spokesperson of the Concept Group of TUDiSC Concept Group

The measure "Disruption and Societal Change” (TUDiSC) (formerly “Societal Impact of Disruptive Innovations” - SIDI) is part of the endeavor "Strengthening research areas with great potential" in the EXU focus PROFILE of TU Dresden. It is intended to contribute to achieving scientific excellence and international visibility in all five Research Priority Areas of TUD, especially in the Emerging Field “Societal Change”, and thus to develop the university as a whole to a high level.
The conceptual foundations of TUD's EXCELLENCE Research can be found at this link Exellence as a driving force