Celia Brightwell

Research Associate/PhD Candidate
NameCelia Brightwell
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Celia (she/her) is a PhD candidate and research associate at the Chair of Digital Cultures. Her research project "Cyber Crones" examines how age is produced culturally and technologically through a selection of paired science fiction texts and body technologies. As a research associate, her work focuses on the concept of securitization and hacking in healthcare. She completed a B.A. in English literature and an M.A. in communication at the University of Melbourne. Celia has also worked as a user experience writer for European digital health apps.
2015–2016 | Master of Marketing Communications (The University of Melbourne) |
2010–2013 | Postgraduate Diploma in Arts, Editing, and Communications (The University of Melbourne) |
2006–2009 | Bachelor of Arts, English Literary Studies (The University of Melbourne) |
● Aging studies
● Feminist technoscience
● Speculative fiction
● Lore
- Dissertation project: Cyber crones
- Research associate project: CYMEDSEC
2023–2024 | PATH Technical University Dresden |
July 2024 |
Gyno-gerontocracy and the Longhouse |
September 2023 |
Designing Meaningful Consent with Older Adults |
September 2023 |
Digital interstices of consent |