Maria Schwerdtner, BA (wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft)
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Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft
NameMs Maria Schwerdtner BA
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As a research assistant, Maria Schwerdtner has supported the Chair of Business Management, esp. Responsible Management, at the IHI Zittau since December 2022, where she is currently also completing the master's program in "Business Ethics and Responsible Management".
After completing her bachelor's degree in sociology and law at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, she first worked in the office of the Federal Election Commissioner. Subsequently, as a project coordinator in the Project Management Office of the Federal Statistical Office, she was responsible, among other things, for internal project communication and the coordination of requirements for the major projects Census 2022, Register Census 2031 and PRISMA (Process Supporting Integrated Statistics Data Management Platform).
In addition, Maria Schwerdtner is also actively involved in the N5 Symposium, which aims to stimulate socially relevant discussions and bring young talent from eastern Germany into dialogue with leading personalities from business, politics, academia and culture.