Research topics
Electric power supply is currently undergoing fundamental changes. The generation structure is changing from the traditional, centralized large-scale power plants to an increasing number of decentralized generation plants (e. g. combined heat and power plants). At the same time, more and more new technologies (e. g. electric vehicles) are being connected to the grid by customers. This leads to changing demands on the electricity networks of the future for a trouble-free energy supply.

Overview of research topics
The research topics of the professorship are as diverse as the energy supply itself. Together with local, national and international partners from science and industry, we work on different topics. This ranges from the determination of transmission characteristics and the accuracy of measuring devices and transducers at a node, to the evaluation of interference emission and immunity of the connected technologies, to control algorithms and the interaction of different generators and consumers in a common virtual power plant in the Smart Grid. At the same time, new protection concepts for island networks and fast arc detection are being developed.