Inhaber der Professur für Halbleitertechnik
![Prof. J.W. Bartha](
Inhaber der Professur
NameHerr Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Johann Wolfgang Bartha
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Mierdel-Bau Nöthnitzer Straße 64
01187 Dresden
Prof. Dr. Johann W. Bartha received a Diploma and PhD. degree in solid state physics at the University of Hannover, Germany. He was two years Post Doc at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center Yorktown Heights, N. Y. were he investigated Metal Polyimide interfaces for applications in multi layer ceramic packaging. 1985 he joined the IBM German Manufacturing Technology Center (GMTC) at Sindelfingen Germany as staff member and became responsible for plasma based technologies in semiconductor processing as a senior staff member. 1994 he accepted a C3 professorship at the University of Applied Sciences at Münster, Germany where he established a laboratory for micro manufacturing. 1999 he accepted a C4 professorship as head of the chair for Semiconductor Technology at the Technische Universität Dresden (TUD). Since March 2003 he is director of the Institute of Semiconductor- and Microsystems Technologies at TUD and established a strong collaboration between the Dresden University and the local semiconductor Industry. The research focus at his chair is BEOL processing, 3D integration including electrical and optical TSVs as well as Silicon thin film PV. The search for ultrathin conformal Cu barriers as required in damascene technology initiated the interest in ALD. In the meantime, the materials studied include high-k dielectrics, moisture barriers, metals, nitrides and graphene. Specific focus is on in-situ and in-vacuo analysis of the nucleation and growth within the ALD processes.
Prof. Bartha is member of the DPG (German physical society), the ECS (Electrochemical society), committee member of the SEMI STC and foundation member of the Silicon Saxony association. 2004 - 2012 he was serving as “Fachkollegiat” within the German Science Foundation (DFG). He is co-organizer of several international conferences in the field of microelectronics (IITC – International Interconnect Conference, European AEC/APC, ICPT 2007 – Int. Conf. on Planarization Technology, IWFIPT 2007 and 2010 – Int. Workshop on Future Information Processing Techn., MRS Spring Symposium on CMP 2004 and 2010) and co-founder of the Dresden Summer School Microelectronics (DMA).