Publications Archive: 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 11 bis 20 von 93 EinträgenLanga, S.; Utsumi, J.; Ludewig, T.; Drabe, C.: Room temperature bonding for vacuum applications: climatic and long time tests . In: Microsyst. Technol. (2012)Bechtel, C.; Knobbe, J.; Grüger, H.; Lakner, H.: Design of an affordable fluorescence confocal laser scanning microscope for medical diagnostics : Section: Innovative Optical Imaging Methods. In: Proc. SPIE 8553 (2012)Pügner, T.; Knobbe, J.; Lakner, H.; Schenk, H.: Realization of a hybrid-integrated MEMS scanning grating spectrometer : Section: Next-Generation Spectroscopic Technologies V, 17 May 2012. In: Proc.SPIE 8374 (2012)Bechtel, C.; Knobbe, J.; Grüger, H.; Lakner, H.; Reichert, F.: Design of a confocal fluorescence microscope – space saving and affordable : Novel Optical Systems Design and Optimization XV 84870N. In: Proc. SPIE 8487 (2012), Nr. October 19, 2012Päßler, S.; Wolff, M.; Fischer, W.-J.: Food intake monitoring: An acoustical approach to automated food intake activity detection and classification of consumed food. In: Physiol. Meas. (2012), Nr. 33, S. 1073–1093Berndt, D.; Heber, J.; Sinning, S.; Rudloff, D.; Wolschke, S.; Eckert, M.; Schmidt, J.U.; Bring, M.; Wagner, M.; Lakner, H.: Calibration of diffractive micromirror arrays for microscopy applications. In: Proceedings of SPIE 8191 (2011), S. 819110O–1–819110O–9Bechtel, Christin; Knobbe, Jens; Grüger, Heinrich; Lakner, Hubert: Confocal fluorescence microscope for clinical dermatologic applications. In: Proc. SPIE 8167, 81670S (2011)Pügner, T.; Knobbe, J.; Lakner, H.: Basic angles in microelectromechanical system scanning grating spectrometers. In: Applied Optics 50 (2011), Nr. 24, S. 4894–4902Hoffmann, M.; Todt, U.; Hesse, J.; Philipp, A.; Törker, M.; May, C.; Leo, K.: Realization of 33x33 cm² large area OLED panels. In: Plastic Electronics 11.-13.10.2011 (2011)Päßler, S.; Wolff, M.; Fischer, W.-J.: Chewing Sound Classification Using Algorithms of Speech Recognition. In: BMT 2011: 45. DGBMT Jahrestagung September 27th - 30th (2011)Zurück 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 WeiterDiese Informationen werden vom Vorgängersystem FIS bereitgestellt.