Oct 16, 2018
ST Group at MODELS'18 in Copenhagen
With several contributions, the ST Group is represented at this years premier conference on Model-driven Software Engineering:
- Organisation of 13th International Workshop on Models@run.time (https://st.inf.tu-dresden.de/MRT18)
- Christopher Werner, Uwe Assmann: Model Synchronization with the Role-oriented Single Underlying Model
- Organisation of 5th International Workshop on Model-driven Robot Software Engineering (https://st.inf.tu-dresden.de/MORSE18)
- Tool Demonstration of the Systematic Literature Review Toolkit (https://github.com/sebastiangoetz/slr-toolkit)
- Educators Symposium: Markus Hamann, Juliane Pfeffer, Birgit Demuth: How to Improve the Understanding of Roles in Modeling