Lab Course Modeling and Automated Verification
Prof. Dr. Christel Baier
SWS: (0/0/2) in English
This lab course is intended for students in the Master's program “Computational Logic” and “Computational Modeling and Simulation”. It provides the opportunity to participate in theoretical as well as applied state-of-the-art research projects. Most problems addressed in this course are closely related to or a part of current research projects of our workgroup. See for example:
Within these projects, tasks in various areas arise, which include:
- Symbolic methods in model checking
- Explicit model-checking techniques
- Reduction techniques
- Automata over finite and infinite words
- Numerical solution methods
- Logics
- Specification formalisms
- Abstraction techniques
- Case studies
Enrolling via OPAL is required until April 14th, 2024.
- Solid foundations in algorithms and data structures, complexity theory, automata theory and formal languages
- Solid programming skills
- Basic mathematical foundations
Exam and Creditability
Master Computational Logic
- MCL-PS: Presentation Skills (research project (Projektarbeit) including around 10 pages documentation and a 30 Minute defense)
Master Computational Modeling and Simulation
- CMS-LM-MOC: Models of Computation (research project (Projektarbeit) including around 10 pages of documentation and a 20 minute defense)
- CMS-LM-ADV: Advanced Logical Modeling (research project (Projektarbeit) including around 10 pages of documentation and a 20 minute defense)
Dr. Sascha Klüppelholz
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