Lecture (WS 2005/2006)
Wir laden ein zu der neuen, englischsprachigen Vorlesung
Introduction to Systems Biology
- The invitation flyer is available as printable pdf. We start on 11.10.2005.
- Lectures are held every Tuesday 16:45-18:15 in GRU-150 (Hans-Grundig-Str. 25)
- Tutorials are offered with hands-on practice in the computer lab GRU-136. Dates, topics and software are:
- 3.11. Dynamical systems and signaling pathways, CoPaSi, SBML, XPP-AUT
- 24.11. Spatio-temporal pattern formation, PDEsim, XPP-AUT
- 15.12. Metabolic networks and control analysis, CellDesigner, CoPaSi
- 19.1.2006 Structural analysis and elementary modes, CoPaSi
click here for older and future lectures