Summerschool IRCC 2025
„International Refrigeration and Compressor Course“ 2025
Impressions of the Summer School
Intention and scope of the course
Based on an agreement between
- Technische Universität Dresden, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering / Germany
- Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences / Germany
- Purdue University, School of Mechanical Engineering, Ray W. Herrick Labs / USA
- Oklahoma State University, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering / USA
and with the support of The Schaufler Foundation.
The commonly organized academic course „International Refrigeration and Compressor Course“ is offered for the 9th time in 2024!
Dates and Locations for 2025
Date | Location | Focus |
June 1st – 07th, 2025 | Dresden, Karlsruhe and Rottenburg (Germany) |
August 17th – 23th, 2025 | Oklahoma State University, Indiana (USA) |
Academic information
Within and during the weeks at Dresden and Purdue, the students have to work in mixed groups on a task dealing with a compressor system. The results of the task have to be presented at the end of the course at Purdue University and will be graded.The grade will be mentioned in the diploma certificate as an “additional qualification”.
Funding situation
The travel expenses for students from the TU Dresden (or another German university) will be funded by the Schaufler-Foundation. Usually a limited number of excursions and social events are also covered. A minor amount of own contribution has to be considered.
Who can apply?
The course is open to all graduate students (Master or Diploma up from Semester 6) and PhD students.Due to a limited capacity an application process is established.
How can I apply?
You are a student of one of the organizing universities? Direct your application to your local contact person. You are a student of another university? Just direct your application to the contact person of the Technische Universität Dresden. The application deadline is the 1st of December 2024. All applicants are asked to hand in their applications as soon as possible to increase their chances for participation.
Application requirements:
a) Curriculum vitae including a picture
b) Own motivation for participation (short form)
What is the address of my contact person?
TU Dresden and other universities:
Technische Universitaet Dresden
Schaufler-Professur fuer Kaelte-, Kryo- und Kompressorentechnik
01062 Dresden
Dipl.-Ing. Hannes Trumpf
phone: +49 351 463 35214
„International Refrigeration and Compressor Course“ 2025
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