Sara Marchini

Research Associate
NameDr.-Ing. Sara Marchini
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Professur für Chemische Verfahrenstechnik
Visiting address:
Merkel-Bau, Zimmer E07 Helmholtzstr. 14
01069 Dresden
08 / 2024 | PhD at TU Dresden, Topic: "Development of a Methodology for Measuring Axial Gas Dispersion Coefficients in Bubble Columns using Gas Flow Modulation" |
since 08 / 2023 | Research Associate at Chair of Chemical Process Engineering, Dresden Univeersity of Technology |
2020 - 2023 | Research associate and PhD student at Chair of Imaging Techniques in Energy and Process Engineering |
2019 - 2020 | Internship at Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf Institute of Fluid Dynamics |
2014 - 2020 | Master of Science in Chemical Engineering at
Università di Pisa |
2014 - 2017 | Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering at
Università di Pisa |
Research Focus
- Mass transfer and hydrodynamics of multiphase contactors
Ranade, V., Marchini, S., Kipping, R., Ranade, N. & Schubert, M., 2024. Estimation of gas hold-up in bubble columns using wall pressure fluctuations and machine learning. Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 500, 2024, 157078, ISSN 1385-8947. [DOI]
Marchini, S., Bieberle, A., Schubert, M., & Hampel, U.,2023. Guidance for Measuring the Axial Gas Dispersion Coefficient in Bubble Columns via Gas Flow Modulation. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 62(46), 19936-19950.
Marchini, S., Bieberle, A., Schubert, M., & Hampel, U.,2023. Uncertainty analysis of gamma-ray densitometry applied for gas flow modulation technique in bubble columns. Chemical Engineering Science, 282, 119214.
Marchini, S., Vishwakarma, V., Schubert, M., Brunazzi, E., Hampel, U., 2023. Effects of non-uniform weeping distributions on tray and point efficiencies. Results in Engineering, 19, 101238. [DOI]
Marchini, S., Bieberle, A., Schleicher, E., Schubert, M., Hampel, U., 2023. Sensing Strategies for Determining the Axial Gas Dispersion Coefficient in Bubble Columns via Gas Flow Modulation Technique. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. [DOI]
Nedeltchev, S., Marchini, S., Schubert, M., Hlawitschka, M.W., Hampel, U., 2023, Novel Identifier of Transitions in Bubble Columns Operated with Water and Aqueous Alcohol Solutions, Chemical Engineering and Technology. [DOI]
Marchini, S., Schubert, M., Hampel, U., 2022. Analysis of the effect of uncertainties in hydrodynamic parameters on the accuracy of the gas flow modulation technique for bubble columns. Chemical Engineering Journal, 434, 133478. [DOI]
Marchini, S., Vishwakarma, V., Schubert, M., Brunazzi, E., Hampel, U., 2021. Direct Tray and Point Efficiency Measurements Including Weeping Effects through a Convenient Add-On for Air–Water Simulators. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 60(6), 2600-2612. [DOI]