- Computational Materials Science and Theoretical Nanophysics
(theory group) - Environmental Nanotechnology
(experiment group) - BioNanoSensorics Group
(experiment group) - NanoCryst Sensorics
(experiment group)
Former and associated research groups:
- Molecular Electronics, Molecular Manipulation and Nanomachines
(experiment group) - Nanoscale Modeling
(theory group) - Computational Nanoelectronics
(theory group) - Nanostructures
(experiment groups in cooperation with IFW, IZFP, HZDR) - Nano- and Mesoscopic Systems
(theory and experiment group) - NanoBio Sensorics
(experiment group) - Biomolecules & Organic Electronics
(theory group) - Molecular Nanosensors and Applications
(experiment group) - Multiscale Modeling - Processes and Properties
(theory group) - Innovative pyroelectric materials
(experiment group)