Publikationen 2020
Peer Reviewed Journal Papers
- Sánchez-Arriaga, G., Naghdi, S., Wätzig, K., Schilm, J., Lorenzini, E.C., Tajmar, M., Urgoiti, E., Tarabini, L., Plaza, J.F. and Post, A., "The E.T.PACK Project: Towards a Fully Passive and Consumable-Less Deorbit Kit based on Low Work-Function Tether Technology", Acta Astronautica, 117, 821-827 (2020)
- Tajmar, M. and Williams, L.L., "An Experimental Test of the Classical Interpretation of the Kaluza Fifth Dimension", Physics, 2(4), 587-595 (2020)
- Tarabini Castellani, L., Ortega, A., Giménez, A., Urgoiti, E., Sánchez-Arriaga, G., Borderes-Motta, G., Lorencini, E.C., Tajmar, M., Wätzig, K., Post, A. and Plaza, J.F., "Low Work-Function Tether Deorbit Kit", Journal of Space Safety Engineering, 7, 332-339 (2020)
- Tajmar, M. and Schreiber, T., "Put Strong Limits on all Proposed Theories so far Assessing Electrostatic Propulsion: Does a Charged High-Voltage Capacitor Produce Thrust?", Journal of Electrostatics, 107, 103477 (2020)
- Wätzig, K., Rost, A., Schilm, J., Tajmar, M. and Michaelis, A., "Contacting Methods for C12A7 Electride Ceramic", Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology, 11(1), 11-16 (2020)
- Iakubivskyi, I., Tajmar, M., et al, "Coulomb Drag Propulsion Experiments of ESTCube-2 and FORESAIL-1", Acta Astronautica, 177, 771-783 (2020)
Conference Papers
- Gloder, A., Apel. U., Bianchi, D., Bonetti, D., Deeken, J., Hendrick, P., Hijlkema, J., Lavagna, M., Pace, G., Pasini, A., Prevereaud, Y., Sippel, M., Stoll, E., Waxenegger-Wilfing, G., Tajmar, M., and Bach, C., "ASCenSIon: An Innovative Network to Train the Space Access Leaders of Tomorrow", 71st International Astronautical Congress (IAC), IAC-20-E1,4,9,x60041, CyberSpace Edition, October 12-14 (2020)
- Ortega, A., Garcia, S., Sánchez-Arriaga, G., Lorenzini, E., Oliveri, L., Sarego, G., Tajmar, M., Drobny, C., Wulfkühler, J.-P. and Wätzig, K., "Development Roadmap of a Deorbit Kit based on Electrodynamic Tether Technology", 71st International Astronautical Congress (IAC), CyberSpace Edition, October 12-46 (2020)