Lucas Drowatzky

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
NameHerr Dipl.-Ing. Lucas Drowatzky
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Professur für Werkzeugmaschinenentwicklung und adaptive Steuerungen
Professur für Werkzeugmaschinenentwicklung und adaptive Steuerungen
Kutzbach-Bau, Raum E7 Helmholtzstraße 7a
01069 Dresden
Wiemer, Hajo; Schneider, Dorothea; Lang, Valentin; Conrad, Felix; Mälzer, Mauritz; Boos, Eugen; Feldhoff, Kim; Drowatzky, Lucas; Ihlenfeldt, Steffen: Need for UAI–Anatomy of the Paradigm of Usable Artificial Intelligence for Domain-Specific AI Applicability. Multimodal Technol. Interact. 2023, 7(3), 27; |
Drowatzky, L.; Wiemer, H.; Ihlenfeldt, S.: Data Mining Suitable Digitization of Production Systems – A Methodological Extension to the DMME. In: Liewald, M., Verl, A., Bauernhansl, T., Möhring, HC. (eds) Production at the Leading Edge of Technology. WGP 2022. Lecture Notes in Production Engineering. Springer, Cham. |
Wang, Xinyu; Mutlu, Ilhan; Rani, Fatima; Drowatzky, Lucas; Urbas, Leon: A Comparative Study to Evaluate the Performance of Communication Protocols for Process Industry. Konferenzbeitrag zur 32nd International Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (ITNAC), IEEE, Wellington, New Zealand, 2022, pp. 170-177, |
Schwarzenberger, M. ; Drowatzky, L. ; Wiemer, H. ; Ihlenfeldt, S. : Transferable Condition Monitoring for Linear Guidance Systems Using Anomaly Detection. In: Behrens, B.-A. ; Brosius, A. ; Drossel, W.-G. ; Hintze, W. ; Ihlenfeldt, S. ; Nyhuis, P. (Hrsg.): Production at the Leading Edge of Technology. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021, S. 497–505 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-78424-9_55 |
Holowenko, O. ; Drowatzky, L. ; Ihlenfeldt, S. : Performance Evaluation of Offline Motion Preparation Approaches on the Example of a Non-Linear Kinematics. In: Applied Sciences 10 (2020), Nr. 22, 8014, DOI: 10.3390/app10228014 |
Wiemer, H. ; Drowatzky, L. ; Ihlenfeldt, S. : Data Mining Methodology for Engineering Applications (DMME) – A Holistic Extension to the CRISP-DM Model. In: MDPI Applied Sciences 9 (2019), Nr. 12, S. 2407 DOI: 10.3390/app9122407 |