Wood shapes our lives as a raw material, building material and material. We are surrounded by wood and wood products in all aspects of our lives. Wood is the most important renewable raw material, and its potential for material and energy use is far from exhausted. With 3.7 billion m³, Germany has the largest absolute wood reserves in Europe and is one of the most productive wood-producing countries in the world. The German woodworking machinery industry, the German wood-based materials industry, the German furniture industry and the German paper industry occupy leading positions in Europe and even worldwide. With around 1 million employees, the German forestry and wood cluster generates a turnover of approximately 166 billion euros.
Our goal is the comprehensive use of wood as a raw material and the manufacture of products with high added value, with special consideration given to economic and ecological aspects. The raw material wood still has many undiscovered possibilities for improving its properties, e.g. through special modification processes, in order to open up new applications and thus markets.
Against this background and global changes, such as the increasing scarcity of oil reserves, wood technology and fiber material technology is becoming increasingly important as the only university engineering course in Germany based on process engineering and mechanical engineering. The close connection with related subject areas of other Faculties of TU Dresden as well as with cooperating educational and research institutions guarantees a high, interdisciplinary professional level. Specialist knowledge taught in both a material and method-oriented manner should help students to develop technical innovations in practice or research and to solve problems independently.