Worshop: Near-Wall Flow in Turbomachinery Blade Rows
On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the experimental operation of the low-speed axial compressor at the TU Dresden, interested parties from academia and industry will be given the opportunity to discuss current topics on compressor aerodynamics during this workshop.
Date: September, 18th-19th 2025
The low-speed axial compressor was put into operation in 1995. Since then, tests on the fundamentals of compressor aerodynamics and innovative design concepts have been carried out in a large number of research programs together with partners from industry and science. The communication of results and discussion with other scientists has always been an important part of our work. The aim of the workshop on September 18 - 19, 2025 is to discuss the latest findings on flow in turbocompressors and related topics.
The workshop will provide a platform for the discussion of current research results for engineers from science and industry on the following topics
- Design, development and operation of turbocompressors
- Experimental and numerical flow analysis in axial and centrifugal compressors and cascade wind tunnels
- 3D blading concepts
- Flow instabilities and rotor-stator interactions
- Secondary flows and loss mechanisms
- Compressors for future energy conversion processes