Networking and Diversified Academic Studies in the Energy Sector
The Centre for Energy Technology (CET) was founded as a scientific centre of the Faculty of Mechanical Science and Engineering in 2010. Today it is representing the platform for research and education in the field of energy of the School of Engineering Sciences of TU Dresden.

Objectives of the CET
Based on public funding by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Federal State of Saxony a central laboratory was erected, which is aimed to broadening and centralising the universities research infrastructure in the energy sector. With its divisions
- Nuclear reactor for research and education
- Fuel and power plant technology
- Research power plant with steam-injected gas turbine
- Turbo machinery lab
- Efficient utilisation of energy and Renewables
this central lab represents a wide range of energy technologies.
- Interdisciplinary fundamental and applied research on the basis of an excellent research infrastructure
- Networking with research institutions outside of the university and with the industry
Academic Studies and Further Education
- Power Engineering studies in combination of theoretical fundamentals and application of the acquired knowledge by incorporating students in the R&D activities of CET and by laboratories
- Postgraduate studies and training courses for other universities, institutes and industry