Forest Botanical Collection

Model of a Wild Geranium (Germanium spec.), R. Brendel, Berlin, ca. 1890
Some of the collections come from the Academy of Forestry founded by Heinrich Cotta in Tharandt in 1811. Like Cotta, the botanists Johann Adam Reum (1780-1839) and Carl Leberecht Krutzsch (1772-1852) were working in the field of theoretical knowledge transfer. In addition to historical herbarium sheets, there are fungi, moss and lichen herbaria, the woodcut collection of Nördlinger, East Asian wood samples, the collection items from girdling tests by Heinrich Cotta, the collection tracing the development of dendrochronology, and a small collection of botanical models.
K. Fischer, Die Forstlichen Sammlungen in Tharandt, in: Sammlungen und Kunstbesitz der Technischen Universität Dresden, Dresden 1996, p. 61-70.
Faculty of Environmental Sciences
Institute of Forest Botany and Forest Zoology
Cotta-Bau, Pienner Str. 7, Tharandt