Inorganic Chemistry Collection
The teaching collection currently consists of about 200 pieces of equipment and more than 100 chemical substances. It derives from the scientific collections of important researchers from chemical institutes. The origin of the institute along with one of the oldest items in the collection is linked to Walther Hempel (1851-1916), who was Professor of Inorganic Chemistry in the Chemistry Department from 1893 to 1912. Special equipment such as Hempel’s gas burette or the water engine from 1878 are considered valuable evidence of the collection’s history. In addition, the chemistry collections have been enriched through the experimental structures and equipment of the chemists Fritz Foerster (1866-1931), Arthur Simon (1893-1962) and Kurt Schwabe (1905-1983). Furthermore, exhibits from Tharandt’s Phytochemistry Department have been added to the collection.
K. Fischer, Persönlichkeiten und Sammlungen an den chemischen Instituten, in: Sammlungen und Kunstbesitz der Technischen Universität Dresden, Dresden 1996, p. 61-70.
Faculty of Chemistry and Food Chemistry
Walther-Hempel Bulding, Mommsenstr. 4