Collection of Mathematical Models

Minimal Polyhedral Model of Boy’s Surface
The collection of mathematical models comprises over 400 registered objects made of wood, plaster, cardboard, wire, metal and silk, which deal with descriptive and analytical geometry as well as complex analysis. The oldest objects include about 60 plaster models that were mass-produced from 1877 onwards, thirteen string models that represent developable surfaces, and eight projection models with spatial curves from around 1886. Some of the most interesting objects in the current inventory can be traced back to acquisitions made around 1960 from the liquidation of the Martin Schilling publishing house in Leipzig. A second large selection of objects comes from Rudolf Stoll's teaching material, which was produced in Berlin, and also dates from the 1950s and 60s. In 1993, the collection was expanded by the TU Berlin’s donation of the model collection. Since 2004, 3D printed models complement the collection. Many models regularly serve as illustration material in lectures.
D. Lordick, Die Sammlung Mathematische Modelle, in: Sammlungen und Kunstbesitz, Technische Universität Dresden. Hrsg. von der Rektorin der Technischen Universität Dresden. Dresden 2022, p. 47-56.
Faculty of Mathematics, Institute of Geometry
Willers-Bau, Zellescher Weg 12-14
Prof. Daniel Lordick, Phone +49 351 463-34193