Sep 02, 2024
Save the Date: Exhibition Opening ‘DEPTH AND SURFACE. Scientific Tableaux in Dialogue with Olaf Holzapfel // 26 Sept 2024 // Oktogon. Art Gallery of the Dresden University of Fine Arts

Das Tableau und Olaf Holzapfel
Save the Date: Exhibition Opening ‘DEPTH AND SURFACE. Scientific Tableaux in Dialogue with Olaf Holzapfel // 26 Sept 2024 // Oktogon. Art Gallery of the Dresden Academy of Fine Arts
Knowledge Production in Art, Technology, and Research: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. Works by artist Olaf Holzapfel interact with ‘object-tableaux’ from the TUD Dresden University of Technology`s teaching and research collections
The starting point of the exhibition ‘DEPTH AND SURFACE’ are the 40 academic teaching and research collections in the possession of TUD Dresden University of Technology and Dresden Academy of Fine Arts. These collections include models, teaching boards, display cases, and objects from other genres made or collected over the past two hundred years for specific didactic purposes. The focus of scientific ‘object-tableaux’ is not a single object. Rather, the point is to visualise processes of creation and production, of logics and causalities, and to make them comprehensible in a historical and didactic context.
If and where the collective object memory between art, engineering and natural science, crafts and private enterprise is depicted in the mirror of incipient industrialisation and against the backdrop of the establishment of individual collections in museums, the ‘object-tableau’ uniquely manifests the beginning of modernity in the early 19th century.
In combination with these ‘object-tableaux’, groups of works created by Olaf Holzapfel (born 1967 in Dresden, situated in Berlin) and arranged especially for this project will be presented in the ‘Oktogon’ Art Gallery of the Dresden Academy of Fine Arts. The ensemble is conceived as a complementary production which illuminates from several perspectives both the tableau as a form of order and display as well as Holzapfel's artistic reference to it. In this way, significant interconnections between artistic and scientific object cultures from the 19th century to the present day are made visible. Next to sculptures, paintings, works made from natural materials (such as the ‘hay pictures’), and models from the past 20 years, Holzapfel also shows a new framework construction. Its encounter with historical ‘object-tableaux’ opens up new perspectives on the ‘space in-between’—a concept which, to Holzapfel's mind, connects the present-day living spaces with time, people, nature, and things.
We cordially invite you to the opening of the exhibition ‘DEPTH AND SURFACE. Scientific Tableaux in Dialogue with Olaf Holzapfel’. Thursday, 26 September 2024, 7:00 p.m., Lichthof / Albertinum, Georg-Treu-Platz, 01067 Dresden.
Warm greetings from the Office for Academic Heritage
Kirsten Vincenz, Jörg Zaun and Gwendolin Kremer
more information about the exhibition
The exhibition opening is part of the international conference Shaping Transformation. University Collections in a Changing World, which is organised by the Office for Academic Heritage, Scientific and Art Collections at TUD Dresden University of Technology. From 24 to 29 September 2024, ICOM-UMAC (Committee for University Museums and Collections of the International Council of Museums) and UNIVERSEUM European Academic Heritage Network, two of the major international professional associations for university collections and academic heritage, will meet for their first joint annual conference.